• The orders placed from Feb. 14(GMT+8) to Feb. 28 (GMT+8)earn coupons back!
  • All Bazaar items and Fusion service are included.
  • Coupons will be issued to your account within 48 hours after payment is confirmed.
  • Coupons can be redeemed from Mar.1(GMT+8) to Mar.31(GMT+8) .
  • The orders placed from Feb. 14(GMT+8) to Feb. 28 (GMT+8) earn coupons back! Both Bazaar and Fusion service are included. Exclusive of the shipping fee.
  • Every $50 spent earns 1 x $10 coupon, every $100 spent earns 1 x $25 coupon and every $200 spent earns 1 x $60 coupon. An order can earn a maximum of $60 coupon value.
  • Coupons will be issued to your account within 48 hours after successful payment and a confirmation email will be sent to you. You can also check the coupon details in “My Coupon” under “My Account”.
  • Coupons can be redeemed from Mar.1(GMT+8) to Mar.31(GMT+8). $10 coupons are eligible for orders above $100(shipping fee excluded), $25 coupons are eligible for orders above $200(shipping fee excluded) and $60 coupons are eligible for orders above $300(shipping fee excluded). Every order can be applied only one coupon. Bundle items are excluded.
  • You can still enjoy “Free Express Shipping on Orders over $200” service as long as the total amount exceeds $200 after coupon applied.