Collaboration Designers

Al Linke

Al Linke

Al is an IT Director by day and a tinkerer by night (when his wife lets him).
Ariel Rocholl

Ariel Rocholl

Electrical Engineer with Telecommunications degree and more than 20 years of experience in Computer Science, MCU development and CAD design.I am passionate about Radio Frequency digital communication systems and services, and work towards open source initiatives to bring wireless products to life that are affordable and easy to use.
Frank Zhao

Frank Zhao

I'm a Electrical Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. I spend my spare time designing and making things.
Jack Gassett

Jack Gassett

Self taught electronics hacker and Open Source Hardware designer. Degree in Sociology but true passion is for technology. Co-designer of the Open Bench Logic Sniffer and creator of the Papilio FPGA boards.


LeafLabs makes open electronics for the masses. We're dedicated to making the latest tools in computer science and electrical engineering accessible to all engineers, regardless of budget or specialized training. Based out of Cambridge(USA), LeafLabs develops hardware-software platforms for rapidly prototyping with embedded and re-configurable technologies. Our hardware designs and software source are available under open licenses - see our GitHub page for more details


Mild mannered systems developer by day, electronics hacker, tinkerer, maker by night.
Ian Lesnet

Ian Lesnet

Ian blogged about his hardware hacks at Instructables, then later at DIY Life and Hack a Day. In 2009 he started Dangerous Prototypes and teamed up with Seeed Studio to make copies of his project available to everyone. Ian has a background in design and city planning.
Dangerous Prototypes releases a new open source hardware project every month. In 2009 we teamed up with Seeed Studio to make copies of our projects available to everyone. We like to make tools, but also toys and internet-inspired art. Ian Lesnet founded Dangerous Prototypes after years of writing electronics how-tos at Instructables, DIY Life, and Hack a Day.