Smart Black Soldier Fly Farming in Tanzania: Using SenseCAP Sensors and Outdoor Gateway for Sustainable Livestock Feed Production!

Spearheaded by Tanzania Open Innovation Organization (TOIO), local university students and citizens in Tanga co-created “BSF Farming – Creating Protein Content” project – a resource-efficient and low-cost protein production method by monitoring and optimizing BSFs’ living environment. This has been done by deploying Seeed’s SenseCAP LoRaWAN sensors, SenseCAP Outdoor Gateway, SenseCAP Portal, and SenseCAP Mate App.

Seeed Studio Wins “WSIS Prize 2023 Champion” Certificate for Using AIoT for Environment at UN ITU: Global Recognition of IoT2Wild Contest!

On March 15th, Seeed Studio was awarded “WSIS Prize 2023 Champion” prize certificate at the UN ITU, in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s a UN-level of recognition for the success of IoT2Wild Contest 2022 and the usage of ICTs for environment, which was awarded at ITU’s 14th World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2023.

Digital Naturalism Conference 3 in Sri Lanka: Seeed Facilitated an AIoT2Wild Workshop and Hands-on Project Using SenseCAP K1100 Kit for Smart Luffa Farming!

From July 10th to 20th, Seeed’s Field Application Engineer, Lakshantha Dissanayake went to Sri Lanka for an on-site event called ‘Dinacon 3’ – an event focused on wild hacking for nature. We’re happy to have supported Lakshantha’s trip to the event, as well as sponsored 6 units of SenseCAP K1100 Kits, and 1 unit of SenseCAP M2 Data-Only LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway for 15 workshop participants and his smart luffa farming project.

GOSH 2022 in Panama: Seeed Organized AIoT2Wild and Custom Electronic Design Workshops Using SenseCAP K1100 Kit!

During October 26-29th, the 4th edition of Gathering for Open Science Hardware (briefly known as ‘GOSH 2022’) was held in Panama. On this occasion, Seeed’s Field Application Engineer joined the event on-site to organize 2 hands-on workshops on using SenseCAP K1100 Kit for environmental and wildlife conservation scenarios. On this background, we’re happy to have supported Mario’s trip to the event, as well as sponsored 11 units of SenseCAP K1100 Kit for his workshop participants.


March 2025