SDG Cases

Smart Black Soldier Fly Farming in Tanzania: Using SenseCAP Sensors and Outdoor Gateway for Sustainable Livestock Feed Production!

Spearheaded by Tanzania Open Innovation Organization (TOIO), local university students and citizens in Tanga co-created “BSF Farming – Creating Protein Content” project – a resource-efficient and low-cost protein production method by monitoring and optimizing BSFs’ living environment. This has been done by deploying Seeed’s SenseCAP LoRaWAN sensors, SenseCAP Outdoor Gateway, SenseCAP Portal, and SenseCAP Mate App.

Open Source Gears to Conserve the Marine Ecosystem: Hong Kong’s Marine Litter Detective Project Developed by MakerBay, WWF & Seeed

Marine Litter Detective is a GPS-tracking device for monitoring marine pollutants, such as plastics and oil spills. This was developed by WWF Hong Kong in cooperation with MakerBay and Seeed. As a result, this Project has enabled the tracking of the origins and whereabouts of trash floating on the water surface (and inside the marine ecosystem), which disclosed how the marine litter ends up in the ocean from the land. Consequently, the Project can positively influence the UN’s SDGs 14, 6, 3, 17, 13, 11, 12, 4, 9 and 16.

Open Innovation for Marine Pollution: Wind-Powered Sailing Robot “Protei” Is Cleaning Oil Spills, Material Wastes, and Chemical Pollutants in the Ocean

In order to resolve the world’s oil spill issues caused by the Deepwater Horizon Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Protei (a wind-powered and automated sailing fleet robot) was developed by MakerBay and Seeed. By shifting its shapes according to water waves and wind directions, the robot has been useful in collecting and cleaning thin sheens of light oil on water surfaces. Thanks to the fact that it is robustly built to survive in harsh weather conditions and hazardous chemical zones, it is now also used to clean material wastes and other chemical pollutants in the ocean. Now, Protei is the ongoing result of glocal open innovation communities. Accordingly, this Project seeks to achieve the UN’s SDGs 6, 14, 11, 15, 3, 1, 7, 9, 8, 12, 13 and 17.

SenseCAP LoRaWAN IIoT Solutions for OPEN Global IoT Education Project for Future Jobs and Resilient Livelihoods

In the OPEN Global IoT Education Project, SenseCAP LoRaWAN IIoT solution has been deployed in order to help solve diverse local challenges for children and local communities towards a sustainable and resilient world. Through their participation, they are self-empowered to learn specific skills to prepare for newly emerging jobs in the future. In this way, the Project aims to achieve the UN’s SDGs 4, 5, 12, 11, 13, 9, 8, 17, 6, 7, 14, 15, 2 and 1.

Smart Tea Plantation in Mengding Mountain Enabled by SenseCAP LoRaWAN to Augment Resource Efficiency and Customer Trust for SDGs

SenseCAP LoRaWAN gateway and sensors were deployed in the IoTea Project to monitor crucial environmental data needed to ensure the optimal tea quality in Ya’an of Southwest China. Through this Project, the overall tea plantation management costs have been lowered, economic yields have been increased, and the tea plantation’s brand image has been upgraded to attract customers who care about food traceability and sustainability. By doing so, the IoTea Project achieves the UN’s SDGs 8, 9, 12, 10, 11, 1, 5, 6, 7, 2, 4, 13, 15, 16 and 17.

Cherry Tomato Plantation with SenseCAP LoRaWAN: Smart Farming at Greenhouse for SDGs in the Netherlands

Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge Project illustrates a case on AI and IoT-enabled cherry tomato production at a greenhouse enabled by Seeed’s SenseCAP LoRaWAN sensors and gateway. Thereby, this Project can contribute to technological innovation of the traditional agriculture sector, help cultivate sustainable food produce by lowering negative environmental impacts, and enhance the UN’s SDGs 2, 1, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 17.


July 2024