Build Your Own Smart Sensor with Free XIAO Module, Grove Sensor and PCBA Support
Revolutionize your smart sensor with Seeed Studio Fusion. Get $300 PCBA support for your design!
Seeed Studio Fusion serves as the comprehensive service platform for Seeed Studio, a global one-stop online platform offering PCB manufacturing, PCB assembly, and hardware customization with global sourcing capability. Whether you need prototyping, mass production, custom solutions for open-source products, or the transformation of your creative ideas into profitable products, Seeed Studio Fusion can meet your requirements.
Revolutionize your smart sensor with Seeed Studio Fusion. Get $300 PCBA support for your design!
We are thrilled to introduce our latest collection of Co-create products, launched to enhance user
As many of you know, Seeed has always been committed to providing makers with easy-to-use
Join us on Seeed’s Hi Tour on November 18th for an immersive journey into modern manufacturing! Discover cutting-edge equipment used in PCB assembly and quality control, while gaining insights into digital management practices that drive efficiency. Understand our innovative co-create projects, illustrating how Seeed Fusion assists users from initial production to mass customization, and promotion.
Fusion Gallery is a collaborative platform for designers to share their ideas and projects, and inspire others with exceptional designs based on Seeed’s products and services. Our open-source community offers free opportunities for everyone to showcase their creativity.
“In Australia, building an IoT application is a challenge.” Said AGRIWEISS®. Especially when it comes
Introducing a low-power, completely offline voice recognition module, it is perfect for smart devices such as smart home appliances, toys, and lamps that require voice control.
In this article, we’ve curated 5 captivating XIAO projects. Whether you’re a newcomer to the
Why would the developer want to make such a GPS Tracker? GPS tracking is the
Everything starts with a robust system! The Raspberry Pi boards are sturdy and in particular
BIG NEWS!! To accelerate the development of IoT, Seeed is sponsoring Wio-E5 projects with the Seeed
The PCB industry is no stranger to odd terms and the proliferation of Chinese manufacturers