Everything About XIAO Newsletter Debut Episode

Meet the first episode of Everything About XIAO Newsletter, where we covered 5 new products, 6 community projects, 2 scaled up creations based on XIAO, and 3 XIAO compatible GitHub repos.

The Month of XIAO: August 2024


I know this comes a bit late, but here is the debut episode of the “Everything About XIAO” Newsletter, wrapping up all the cool updates, new products, and cool projects, all happened in the amazing month of XIAO: August 2024.

Hope you’ll have a good read!


01 New Products 🚀

2 New XIAO in 1 Month: Meet XIAO RP2350 and XIAO RA4M1

As the smallest MicroPython-ready dev board, XIAO RP2350 features dual-core, dual-architecture (Arm Cortex-M33 + RISC-V), 19 GPIOs, an RGB LED, battery management, secure boot, and an encrypted bootloader. Explore more on our wiki.

XIAO RA4M1 features the same Renesas RA4M1 processor as the iconic Arduino Uno R4. It boasts a 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 running at up to 48 MHz with FPU, ample memory and flash storage. Explore more on our wiki.

3 New Add-ons & Accessories for XIAO

New Add-on: ReSpeaker 2-Mic Array
Specifically for XIAO ESP32S3, with onboard audio processing algorithms for far-field voice capture

How About a tinyML+LLM-Powered AI Device for Your XIAO?

Ever wanted to enhance your XIAO with the power of AI? Now you can with SenseCAP Watcher, the world’s first physical AI agent built on tinyML and LLM. SenseCAP Watcher helps you monitor anomalies and act accordingly based on voice commands. With its camera, mic, and environmental sensors, it can see, hear, and understand. By connecting SenseCAP Watcher to XIAO via UART, you can elevate your XIAO projects—whether in home automation, robotics, or other fields—to the next level. Discover how you can unlock the full potential of SenseCAP Watcher with XIAO! PS. Watcher will be live on Kickstarter on Sep 12, 2024. For all XIAO fans, we have a special package! Back Watcher and you can add an XIAO ESP32C6 for just $1.

02 Cool Community Projects 🔨

03 Creations Built on XIAO 🤖️

04 XIAO in GitHub Repos🌟

Microsoft DeviceScripte Supports XIAO ESP32C3

which brings a TypeScript developer experience to low-resource microcontroller-based devices.

Moddable SDK Supports XIAO ESP32XIAO RP2040XIAO nRF52840 (Sense), bringing the same JavaScript language that powers the web to the low-cost hardware.

mROS2-ESP32 Supports XIAOESP32C3, XIAO ESP32C6, XIAO ESP32S3, realizing a agent-less and lightweight runtime environment compatible with ROS 2 for ESP32 embedded devices.

That’s all for this debut episode. Wanna have this monthly newsletter delivered to your email? Subscribe to our Everything About XIAO Newsletter NOW by clicking the image below.👇👇

It’s a monthly newsletter centering around the beloved Seeed Studio XIAO. We’ll cover the following info: 

🤖️ Cool Projects from the Community to get inspiration and tutorials
📰 Product Updates: firmware update, new product spoiler
📖 Wiki Updates: new wikis + wiki contribution
📣 News: events, contests, and other community stuff

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1 thought on “Everything About XIAO Newsletter Debut Episode

  1. Como profesional que pasa mucho tiempo en la carretera, la señal de internet en el coche es esencial para mí. Sin embargo, en muchas zonas rurales, la cobertura era tan débil que no podía ni siquiera realizar llamadas importantes, y el internet se volvía prácticamente inutilizable. Después de investigar un poco, decidí instalar un amplificador 4g específicamente diseñado para vehículos. Desde entonces, mi experiencia ha mejorado significativamente. Puedo mantenerme conectado durante todo el trayecto, sin importar lo remoto que sea el lugar, y las llamadas nunca se cortan. Es una solución ideal para quienes, como yo, dependen del móvil mientras están en movimiento.

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September 2024