Mid June XIAO TinyML Roadshow

At the end of May 2024, I had a chance to become the judge of the regional vocational school mobile robotics competition. The competitor was selected from various vocational schools from 4 cities in Banten Province. I use this opportunity to promote myself as a Ranger from Seeed Studio and offer the schools to hold the tinyML workshop from me.

And a day after the competition, two schools already requested to hold the TinyML workshop at their schools. So here is a quick recap of my Ranger activity in June 2024:

The workshop is a part of the class meet school event and is divided into two sessions with 20 participants in each session. I Was having a small technical issue due to the few computers at the school Lab being broken. But after separating them into a few small groups all the 40 participants could try the XIAO ESP32S3 Sense TinyML feature Smoothly.

The workshop’s participants consist of students from class XII. They already have basic embedded system knowledge and the workshop has broadened their understanding of the recent technology of embedded systems that could use the power of Machine Learning. After the workshop the teacher and principal will Re invite me to give another session for their educator at school.

  • Introduction To TinyML workshop and Judging at Tech Innovation Competition 2024 at Fablab Jababeka, June 15th 2024

One of the employees of Fablab Jababeka (Gading Reno) was a participant in my past Fab Fest 2022 Workshop in Bali and he is the one who offered me this opportunity. After Rescheduling the workshop with Fablab Jababeka. I finally had the chance to hold the workshop on June 15th 2024. Not only for the workshop but the organizer also asked me to judge the Tech Competition.

So before my workshop, alongside with Mr. Nanang and Mrs. Tifa from President University, I have the chance to judge the final submission of the participants through their presentation.

The total participants of the workshop is approximately consist of 50 people divided into 11 teams and each team has the chance to try the TinyML with XIAO ESP32S3 Sense.

After the workshop and judging is done, I have a chance to have a quick discussion with Gading Seno (Fablab RnD team) about their recent projects for the Jababeka Area. I also show gading a few of Seeed Studio’s Products that could be integrated into his solution.

TinyML uses data from the real world to make meaningful decisions all at low cost, low energy, and low space.  XIAO ESP32-S3 Sense is a low-cost beginner-friendly platform to learn and build tinyML applications. If you are interested in the XIAO workshop, let me know!

The Seeed Ranger Program is designed to collaborate with skilled and experienced developers who share a passion for community building and knowledge sharing. Welcome join me to the Ranger family to get more surprises!

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1 thought on “Mid June XIAO TinyML Roadshow

  1. That sounds like a fantastic opportunity to showcase your expertise and promote the adoption of tinyML in vocational schools!

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June 2024