Elevate Your Projects through Seeed Studio Fusion Sponsorship Ecosystem🚀

At Seeed Studio Fusion, we’re on a mission to fuel the ambitions of future engineers, students, and electronic enthusiasts. Our Sponsorship Program is crafted to elevate your projects, spanning from crowdfunding campaigns to competitions and classroom endeavors. 🚀Explore how we can collaborate to bring your ideas to life!

👥Crowdfunding Sponsorship: Fuel Your Campaign Success!

If you’ve launched a PCB/PCBA-related crowdfunding project on platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, we want to be your partner in success! Simply send us your project page link and a brief introduction to [email protected], and you may be eligible to receive a PCB/PCBA coupon ranging from 100 to 500 USD.
If your crowdfunding project is still in the planning stage, don’t hesitate to incorporate our PCB/PCBA service. Feel free to get in touch with us for potential sponsorship!

🤖Electronics Competition Sponsorship: Elevate Your Competition!

Calling all electronics competition organizers! If you seek sponsorship for seeed studio’s products, prototype services or cash support, share your contest details and sponsorship request with us at [email protected]. Let’s collaborate to make your competition a resounding success!

🎖️Content Reward Thank You Gift: Share Your Experience!

We value your support, and we’re excited to show our appreciation. Have you recommended our Fusion service on platforms like Hackster, YouTube, Hackaday, Instructables, or others? Let us know by sending the page link to [email protected]. Upon confirmation, expect a well-deserved cash reward as a token of our gratitude!

👩‍🏫Educational Sponsorship: Nurturing Future Innovators!

Attention students and teachers! If you’re creating projects around Seeed Studio’s products and PCB/PCBA, we are here to support you. Drop us a message using your school email at [email protected], including project details such as product usage, theme, completion time, etc. Upon Fusion team approval, you could receive a PCB/PCBA coupon worth 30-100 USD to sponsor your project.

Ready to take your projects to the next level? Contact us at [email protected] to apply or with any questions. Let’s embark on a journey of innovation together👐!

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December 2023