Seeed Studio Is Calling for Contributors on GitHub

We’re excited to share the buzz that’s been going on Seeed Studio Wiki Platform since its launch back in March. This fantastic hub holds all of Seeed technical documentation, covering everything from Sensors, Networks, Edges, and the Cloud & Chain. Now it’s time to enable more members to get involved in the contributions on the open, interactive, and inclusive platform! Yes, we’re officially kicking off the Seeed Contributor Program!

What is the Seeed Contributor Program, and who we are looking for?

Seeed Contributor is a dynamic program crafted to bring makers like you from our community together, co-building innovative solutions. We’re calling on all skill levels – whether you’re a coding guru or just diving into hardware hacking. If you’ve got a thing for Seeed products, you’re totally welcome to jump in!

As a contributor, you’ll dive into hands-on projects, craft nifty tutorials for new products, and collaborate with fellow tech enthusiasts who share your zest for innovation. It’s like a brainstorming session that never ends, a hub of wisdom-sharing, and a place where you can find your tech tribe.

By joining the Contributor Program, you’re getting a backstage pass to exclusive project insights, early access to prototypes, and the chance to steer the ship of our projects’ growth. Your contributions won’t just shape tech’s future, but they’ll also weave you into a vibrant, diverse, and supportive network.

What do we offer?

We’ve got a stash of rewards ready to show our appreciation to our contributors. Depending on the challenge levels (Tier 0/1/2/3), the expected time (1/3/7/15 days), and the actual submissions, we’re rolling out various tiers of rewards:

  1. We will provide our products or cash bonus to our contributors as a token of appreciation.
  2. For those contributors who join our “Ranger Program”(announced soon), we offer even more exciting rewards, including access to our prototype products.
  3. In addition, all contributors and their contributions will be acknowledged and showcased on our wiki platform.

How do we work with contributors?

  1. We will have a bunch of tasks available on GitHub, indicating the projects/wiki pages we want to add, such as new software development, and new extensions to the application, based on IoT, AI, industrial computing, and other scenarios.
  2. Anyone can select and accept the assignments that are right for him/her, where there will be a detailed description of tasks and requirement list for each tasks.
  3. We then will provide a maintainer to manage the progress of the tasks, until the contributions have been merged into the wiki platform.

What exactly kinds of tasks are there?

We’ve already dropped some tasks on GitHub. As of now, the task types span:

1. Various applications and software deployments for Seeed Studio based products, from MCU board applications to industrial-grade device software deployments.

2. Iteration of webpage structure and content, from simple grammar corrections to entire page content updates.

3. Any thoughts about “solution-based” prototype, a deployable resolution, or just an interesting project idea. (Examples of relevant aspects: Digital automation; Decentralized digital transformation; Infrastructures deployable in the wild; Carbon neutrality; Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs); Problem solved in daily life; TinyML; etc.)

The Seeed Contributor Program is the ticket for you to jump right into the co-building action, crafting, and steering the path of this open community. We’re extending an invitation to join us on this journey and put your stamp on the world of innovation! Ready to make waves?

That’s it for this entry. As always, we can’t wait to see what you make. Shoot us a tweet @seeedstudio, let us know on LinkedInDiscord, or publish your project on our Project Hub on Hackster. Please be safe out there, be kind to one another, and we’ll see you soon with even more exciting news!

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1 thought on “Seeed Studio Is Calling for Contributors on GitHub

  1. I’m an electronic engineer and I would be happy to join your team
    You can google my name and see my activity in electronic engineering and my new music 🤘😄
    Hope you enjoy it

    Mehdi zahedi electronic

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August 2023