Design and Implementation of Node-Red Based Open-Source SCADA Architecture for a Hybrid Power System: Hybrid Power System using Seeed Studio Wio Terminal

This project presents a low-cost, low-power, open-source SCADA system for hybrid renewable energy systems. The system utilizes two remote terminal units (RTUs) and a laptop to communicate with all actuators and measure vital system characteristics. Node-Red is used for data processing, while a Wio terminal displays sensor values in real-time. The proposed system offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for monitoring and controlling HRPS, contributing to the widespread adoption of renewable energy systems.

Seeed Hardware: Seeed Studio Wio Terminal

Software: Node RED、Arduino IDE

Industry: Energy

Solution Deployment: Newfoundland


At present, hybrid renewable power systems (HRPS) are considered reliable combinations for power generation under various conditions. The challenge facing researchers and engineers today is designing and implementing a reliable, efficient, and applicable SCADA system for adequate monitoring and control of hybrid power systems. In order to analyze, observe, and control the essential parameters of an HRPS, a SCADA system is crucial. As part of this study, a low-cost, low-power, open-source SCADA (Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition) system for hybrid renewable energy systems is presented. The system utilizes two remote terminal units (RTUs), an Arduino Mega2560 and a Wio terminal, to communicate with all actuators and measure vital system characteristics such as voltage, current, and power. Using the Firmata protocol, a laptop serves as the main terminal unit (MTU) to communicate with the Arduino. In addition to being the system’s central component, Node-Red is utilized for processing, analyzing, storing, and displaying data. In contrast, a Wio terminal is used to display the values of all sensors in real-time on its LCD screen. As a whole, the proposed SCADA system is designed to keep the HRPS running smoothly and safely by displaying vital parameters, reporting any significant faults, and controlling the generator so that the batteries can be charged and discharged correctly.

The Challenge

There are several potential challenges that could arise when implementing this project, including:

Technical Challenges: Developing a SCADA system that is reliable, efficient, and adaptable to various conditions can be technically challenging. The system must be designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions, withstand power fluctuations, and communicate data accurately and reliably.

Compatibility Issues: The proposed SCADA system must be compatible with the hardware and software of the hybrid renewable energy systems it is intended to monitor and control. Compatibility issues could arise if the system is not designed to interface with certain components or systems.

User Acceptance: The proposed SCADA system must be user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to use for engineers and operators responsible for monitoring and controlling hybrid renewable energy systems. If the system is too complex or difficult to use, it may not be adopted widely, limiting its impact.

Cost: While the proposed SCADA system is intended to be low-cost, there may be hidden or unforeseen costs associated with its implementation. These costs could include hardware, software, maintenance, and training.

Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the regulatory requirements of the region where the system is being deployed, there may be compliance issues that must be addressed before the system can be approved for use.

Overall, addressing these challenges will require a collaborative and iterative approach that involves engaging with stakeholders, conducting thorough research and development, and adapting the system’s design and marketing strategies based on feedback and market trends. By implementing solutions to these challenges, the project can increase its chances of success in providing a useful and innovative solution for monitoring and controlling hybrid renewable energy systems.

The Solution

Technical Challenges: Conducting thorough research and development and testing of the system can help address technical challenges. Working with experts in the field, conducting pilot studies, and optimizing the design and components of the system can also help improve its reliability and efficiency.

Compatibility Issues: Conducting thorough research and development to ensure that the system is compatible with the hardware and software of the hybrid renewable energy systems is crucial. Collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers of these systems can also help ensure compatibility.

User Acceptance: Involving end-users in the design and development process can help ensure that the system is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to use. Conducting user testing and gathering feedback on the system’s usability and functionality can also help improve user acceptance.

Cost: Conducting a thorough cost analysis during the design and development phase can help identify potential hidden or unforeseen costs associated with the system. Exploring cost-sharing options with stakeholders, such as manufacturers or government agencies, can also help reduce costs.

Regulatory Compliance: Engaging with regulatory experts and obtaining necessary certifications can help ensure that the system meets necessary regulatory requirements. Conducting thorough testing and documentation can also help streamline the regulatory process.

Overall, addressing these challenges will require a collaborative and iterative approach that involves engaging with stakeholders, conducting thorough research and development, and adapting the system’s design and marketing strategies based on feedback and market trends. By implementing these strategies, the project can increase its chances of success in providing a useful and innovative solution for monitoring and controlling hybrid renewable energy systems.

The Results

The proposed low-cost, low-power, open-source SCADA system for hybrid renewable energy systems has the potential to provide several benefits and impacts, including:

The system can help optimize the performance and efficiency of hybrid renewable energy systems by providing accurate and reliable real-time monitoring and control capabilities. This can lead to improved energy production, reduced downtime, and increased system lifespan.

The proposed system is intended to be low-cost, making it an affordable solution for monitoring and controlling hybrid renewable energy systems. This can reduce the financial barriers to implementing renewable energy systems and increase their adoption.

Developing an open-source SCADA system for hybrid renewable energy systems can contribute to the advancement of technology and sustainable energy solutions. The system can also serve as a platform for further research and development in the field of renewable energy systems and SCADA technology.

Implementing renewable energy systems can create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the renewable energy sector. The proposed system can contribute to this by reducing barriers to entry and increasing the adoption of renewable energy systems.

Overall, the proposed SCADA system can have significant benefits and impacts on the efficiency, sustainability, innovation, and economic growth of renewable energy systems. By providing a cost-effective and reliable solution for monitoring and controlling hybrid renewable energy systems, the system can contribute to the widespread adoption of sustainable energy solutions and promote a more sustainable future.

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April 2023