It’s a Wrap! Seeed at LoRaWAN Live in Orlando, organized by LoRa Alliance

You might have noticed that we had a super intense schedule in the past week, with different Seeed squads in Geneva, Switzerland for WSIS Forum organized by ITU; in Nuremberg, Germany for Embedded World, and in Orland, USA for LoRaWAN Live as well as an online annual product launch with the different team members coordinating from different corners of the world! And here comes my quick recap of our participation in the LoRaWAN Live event in Orlando.

We are proud to be the Silver Sponsor of the LoRaWAN Live Orlando, organized by LoRa Alliance this year. LoRa Alliance has gathered amazing resources and created a vibrant ecosystem to leverage the strength of LoRaWAN for various vertical industries in different markets around the world. With participation in the LoRaWAN Live, we had amazing opportunities to communicate with partners old and new to strengthen the partnerships!

After a super-long flight with multiple layovers, Betty, Kevin and I landed in Orlando with excitement for LoRaWAN Liev Orlando, with so many arrangements:

  1. Seeed booth #25 with product exhibits and demonstration
  2. Panel Discussion: Scaling Businesses On Community Networks
  3. Panel Discussion: LoRaWAN for Smart Cities
  4. Keynote Speech: Advance in Perceptions with LoRaWAN and Edge Computing
  5. Media Press to release the latest products from Seeed

Seeed Booth #25 at the Marketplace of LoRaWAN Live

Seeed products received a lot of interest and compliments from visitors to our booth during LoRaWAN Live last week! And among the many products showcased at LoRaWAN Live last week, the most popular stars are:

(1) SenseCAP S2100 LoRaWAN DTU

SenseCAP S2100 LoRaWAN DTU opens up opportunities for collecting data on LoRaWAN networks. Supporting MODBUS RS485, Analog (4-20mA / 0-10V), and GPIO, you can connect SenseCAP S2100 to the most commonly-used sensor probes out there. With the wide and increasing coverage of the LoRaWAN network worldwide, you can conveniently collect your data to build your applications with the bridge of SenseCAP S2100 LoRaWAN DTU within a snap!

(2) SenseCAP T1000 LoRaWAN Tracker

This credit-card size LoRaWAN tracker is based on the LR1110 chip, with LoRa® Edge encryption via Semtech. SenseCAP T1000 tracker is equipped with GNSS, WiFi, Bluetooth, and LoRa, making it possible for precise tracking in both indoor and outdoor environments. It also has built-in light, accelerometer, and temperature sensor, along with a buzzer and SOS button for various applications in logistics or package tracking as well as personnel tracking in field operation sites to ensure safety and timely alert & rescue support.

(3) SenseCAP A1101 Vision AI Sensor

SenseCAP A1101 LoRaWAN Vision AI Sensor combines the strength of LoRaWAN with the merits of AI. Powered with an ultra low-power vision AI sensor, this device is able to capture the photo via the camera and process it based on any trained AI model embedded inside. Only transmitting the results, this device unlocks many possibilities for applications with vision sensing on LoRaWAN.
We provide two demo AI models (people detection and pressure gauge reading), so you can easily set up the device with SenseCAP Mate App and use the demo AI models to have a quick test. Through the partnership with Edge Impulse, we will soon provide a one-stop process from collection to deployment. Without writing a line of code, you can train your own AI models for image recognition, people counting, object detection, meter reading, etc. and then deploy them on SenseCAP A1101 for each specific application.

(4) ReComputer Jetson Multi-functional LoRaWAN Devices

If you did not know it yet, I have to admit that it is my fault that I did not say it out loud enough! Seeed is the Elite partner of Nvidia, which is not an easy role to grasp! As one of the top 20 partners in the Nvidia ecosystem, we continue to leverage the power of Nvidia Jetson and develop a various range of edge computing products based on different application scenarios from development boards to industrial usages. You might have noticed that AI and LoRaWAN are the main keywords of Seeed products and services. With the ReComputer Jetson series, we offer the possibility of adding LoRa modules such as WM1302 / 1303 or Wio-E5 modules for our customers and make it a multi-functional LoRaWAN node or gateway with exceptional computing abilities.

I won’t go into detail about all the products that are shown during the events. Please feel free to download the latest Seeed product catalog here to see detailed info about Seeed’s advanced perception system including smart sensors, network devices, edge computing devices, and software and cloud services.

Panel Discussion: Scaling Businesses On Community Networks

Our Director of Product Kevin Yang joined panelists Eric Schummer, CEO of Senzary; Alper Yegin, CTO of Actility along with moderator Abhay Kumar, CEO of Helium Foundation in the panel discussion of “Scaling Business on Community Networks”. During this panel, the panelists discussed the importance of community, the benefits, and opportunities brought by the Helium Network as well as how businesses and individuals can leverage the Helium Network and create IoT applications in different scenarios for our little smart homes, smart gardens or for building a smart community, or smart city, etc.

Here at Seeed, we are focusing on providing high-performance products with gateways, sensors, controllers, and easy-to-use software and cloud services to accelerate the process of large-scale deployment in the field. All Seeed LoRaWAN products are pre-configured with a seamless experience to be connected to the Helium network via SenseCAP Mate App. In this way, you can see the data at your fingertips within a few minutes.


Panel Discussion: LoRaWAN for Smart Cities

During the Panel of “LoRaWAN for Smart Cities” moderated by Borislav Stockermann from Zenner, I was honored to join the discussion with my fellow panelists Joseph Scott Kubes from OrbiwiseEric Bourbeau from X-TELIA and Anas Ouali from 3S to share our ideas, products, services, user cases as well as some inputs on why LoRaWAN is a great fit and how to leverage LoRaWAN or smart cities projects.

During this panel, I had the opportunity to share the amazing smart city projects from Seeed partners. These partners are from different continents, building projects with and for different stakeholders from private sectors to governments They fall into a different aspect of the smart city:

Carbon sequestration: Natural Crypto Capital, our partner in California USA, deployed SenseCAP LoRaWAN environmental sensors in the urban area and regional forest park to monitor the environmental data that affect carbon sequestration.

City governance: Spread networks, our partner in Louisiana USA, deployed SenseCAP LoRaWAN 8-in-1 weather stations to golf courses and water treatment plants to gather and demonstrate weather data to the local government and explore ways to help with data-driven insights for city governance.

Real-estate industry: EUCA, our partner in Johannesburg, South Africa, deploying SenseCAP S1000 weather sensor along with S2100 LoRaWAN DTU coupled with EUCA’s EnviroSense to create a weather monitoring solution for the real-estate company to better manage their personnel and their work arrangement on the construction site, with the future-needs in mind of providing climate data for the residents.

Urban heat-island monitoring: Abinsula and WiData, our partners in Cagliari Italy, deployed 500+ SenseCAP sensors including SenseCAP S1000 weather sensor along with SenseCAP S2100 LoRaWAN DTU as well as other SenseCAP LoRaWAN sensors at more than 300 sites in the city of Cagliari for the urban heat island monitoring for the local administration to take actions on the intervention in the building color and green space planning to better mitigate the heat island effect.

Among the projects shared here, some use Helium networks and some use AWS IoT. Due to our products’ interoperability, our partners can choose their preferred network servers freely and conveniently with pre-configured support as well as detailed documents and timely tech support.

I won’t dive into the details of the projects here. We will share more project info via separate blog posts. And of course, if you are looking for cooperation with Seeed or any of our partners, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a comment here or dropping us a line at [email protected]

Keynote Speech: Advance in Perceptions with LoRaWAN and Edge Computing

Apart from the above-mentioned two panel discussions, we also delivered a keynote speech at LoRaWAN Live, presented by our dear Betty. Betty’s speech “Advance in Perceptions with LoRaWAN and Edge Computing” started with a user case sharing of a smart poultry farm, which successfully utilized the LoRaWAN technology to tackle real-life problems for traditional industry.

This example was able to showcase the full advantage of Seeed products of smart LoRaWAN sensors in collecting environmental data, edge computing devices to process and then deliver useful results for chicken health monitoring and instructive management instructions, edge controllers to control the farm facilities, as well as software & cloud services to manage the devices for a fully automatic farming procedure, which concludes as Seeed Studio’s “Advanced Perception System”.

Then she gave a little bit preview of how Seeed combines the two advanced technologies (LoRaWAN & Edge Computing) into the whole product line of compact multi-functional devices with a wide range from LoRaWAN AI sensors, to NVIDIA Jetson-based Edge LoRaWAN nodes and gateways, and Raspberry Pi Based industrial controllers and HMIs. She also briefly introduced different user cases in various scenarios including a smart vineyard in Portugal, a smart pig farm in the Netherlands, wind farm monitoring in China, a smart packing system in South Africa, and AI-driven video analytics at an automatic Dealer Warehouse in Italy. All the products and user cases demonstrate how Seeed supports our partners including ISVs and System Integrators in serving their customers with various IoT solutions powered by our advanced perception system!

Media Release to Release the Latest Products from Seeed

Betty also joined the media event at LoRaWAN Live to release the latest products from Seeed. You can see the media coverage here.

That’s a quick recap of Seeed’s main activities at LoRaWAN Live in Orlando. Of course, that’s not the entire schedule. We had productive meetings with different partners during this event, had very informative conversations with visitors to our booth which are followed by continuous emails and meetings to narrow down the needs and actions for cooperation. A blog post just couldn’t cover it all, let’s just share some photos! 

Last but not the least, along with our team, I would like to give a big shoutout to the LoRa Alliance team DonnaBrenna, AmyBradyMeganSkyeBrooke, May, and many others in the team, as well as our moderators Boris an Abhay for making this event a great success and for making our participation a great experience.

We are grateful for the opportunity

  • to demonstrate Seeed products and solutions,
  • to share our thoughts and projects that leverage LoRaWAN,
  • to meet the vibrant community in person
  • to hear inputs from users in various application fields
  • to explore cooperation opportunities that leverage LoRaWAN for better businesses and a more sustainable future!

We all know how valuable it is to meet face to face after virtual meetings for such a long time! And to organize the offline event with so many different tracks including marketplace, panels, fireside chats, speeches as well as media coverages and happy hour, etc., the meticulous and diligent work of the organizing team should be applauded with an outstanding ovation. Thank you LoRa Alliance!

We are looking forward to more communication and interactions with members and non-members of LoRa Alliance, to dive deeper into the ecosystem, to serve the emerging needs with Seeed products and services, naming the advanced perception system including smart sensors especially LoRaWAN sensors, networking devices especially LoRaWAN DTU and LoRaWAN gateways, edge computing devices as well as software and cloud services. Let’s talk!

See you all at the next LoRaWAN Live event in Tokyo in October!

About Author


March 2023