Enjoy Bazaar Free Shipping For Small Packages With Qualified Orders!

As give-backs to our customers, we started offering free shipping for small packages on over 100 products at the beginning of August. How was your add-to-cart kind of month??

At the same time, we have received some issues and feedback from our customers regarding the restriction of shipping method/region. So, in this blog, you will be updated with the new shipping policy in a more understandable way.

1️⃣ Free shipping is available if your order meets both of the following conditions:

  • The total amount is less than $50
  • The total weight is less than 2kg

(not including Seeed Fusion orders)

Product Weight Reference

2️⃣Free shipping methods:

  • From CN Warehouse:
    • 4PX Direct Line (20-30 working days)
    • 4PX Registered Air Mail (30-50 working days)

?Note: The 4PX logistics method has shipping restrictions for certain countries.

It can only be sent to countries and regions listed below (In form of Country Alpha-2 code): 


The most exciting news is that we will keep adding more products to the free shipping zone! What is your suggestion? Write down your wanted products and your country in the comment section now and stay tuned for our future updates! Can’t wait to jump to the free shipping zone? Shop Now!

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4 thoughts on “Enjoy Bazaar Free Shipping For Small Packages With Qualified Orders!

    1. Hi Chawinroj! Yes!! You can now find the free shipping options for this Skyconnect USB now. Thanks for leaving your voice here and feel free to let us know more:)

  1. The following products would also fit nicely to the “free shipping zone”:
    SKU 114992985: Wio ESP32 CAN Dev Kit
    SKU 102991674: CANBed DUAL
    SKU 113991054: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
    SKU 114992866: Grove – Vision AI Module with Himax HX6537-A processor,

    1. Hi Thomas, thanks for your suggestion! Free shipping is now available for Wio ESP32 CAN Dev Kit, CANBed Dual and Grove – Vision AI Module but not XIAO ESP32CS due to its shortage at this stage. Please stay tuned for future updates:)

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September 2022