So, How about a SenseCAP M1 Anniversary Week of Giveaways, Great Offers, and Discounts…

Hey community,
Wow! It’s been 1 year since we shipped out our very first SenseCAP M1 in July 2021! By now, we have more than 140,000 SenseCAP M1 added to the Helium Network from all over the world (in 125 countries and regions). It has been a great journey to embrace the community of Helium The People’s Network, where we contribute to building the network and also leveraging the usage of the network worldwide.
  • A series of SenseCAP LoRaWAN Sensor Nodes S210X was released to support building your IoT solutions. The sensors include Air Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Light Intensity Sensor, CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor, Soil Moisture, Temperature & EC Sensor, Vision AI Sensor, Sound/Vibration AI Sensor. All are solid for the wild and easy to deploy, which lowers barriers for everyone to get data in 4 steps.

Deep in our hearts, we know that we can’t make it this far without you. A big THANK YOU to every single SenseCAP owner for your always support. We’ve designed a beautiful infographic, where we listed all our achievements and SenseCAP M1’s 1 year in numbers. Have a look at it and feel free to share it on your social platforms:).


Now, we’re happy to announce our 1st Year Anniversary and to invite you to celebrate this very special moment with us with a SenseCAP Anniversary Week of gifts and giveaway campaigns, great offers, and discounts! Here is a spoiler of the timeline of the upcoming SenseCAP Anniversary Week. 

01 Call for “Happy Anniversary to SenseCAP M1” Video

⏰Time: July 19- July 26, 2022
🎁Goodies: Get your story featured and a $20 coupon
🌍How: Email+Discord
Dedicated to the first anniversary, we’re working on a Happy Anniversary/Birthday Video which we will spread out through all our marketing channels. To get more SenseCAP M1 owners involved, we’re now sending out the invitations to you to submit your “Happy Birthday to SenseCAP M1” videos. We’ll select qualified video clips for our official video. Once your video is selected, we’ll send out a $20 Seeed Coupon as a thank you gift. For more details on the campaign, please click here.

02 SenseCAP M1 Giveaway on Twitter

⏰Time: July 21- July 28, 2022
🎁Goodies: Get 1 SenseCAP M1 shipped to your doorstep for FREE
🌍How: Seeed Studio Twitter
SenseCAP M1 is turning 2 in July! Seeed Studio is celebrating it with a SenseCAP M1 Giveaway on Twitter. Only 3 rules to follow to win a free M1 (including included). The winner will be announced on July 28th. Join the giveaway here.

03 SenseCAP M1 Anniversary Sale with Offers & Discounts

⏰Time: July 26 – August 2, 2022
🎁Goodies: 20% off for all listed SenseCAP products + Buy to get free swags and 3dbi Fiberglass Antenna
🌍How: Seeed Studio Official Store 
The SenseCAP M1 Anniversary Sale is upon us! What will you be buying? With deals in almost every category of the SenseCAP product line, including hotspots, sensor nodes, antennas, accessories, and swags, this is truly one of our most anticipated sales of the year! This Anniversary Sale will last from July 26 to August 2, with 20% off for all listed SenseCAP products. Just remember to apply the code [SENSECAPM1] to enjoy 20% off for all listed products when you’re checking out. P.S. There are lots of “buy to get” gifts that we prepare for your orders. More details will be available here! 

04 Meme Challenge

⏰Time: July 26 – August 2, 2022
🎁Goodies: SenseCAP Backpacks x5
🌍How: Join our Discord Community > #meme channel
Want to celebrate the 1st anniversary of SenseCAP by showing off your meme creations? Let’s do it! Create your memes in the theme of the SenseCAP M1 anniversary, and share them on our Discord to win our swag: 5 SenseCAP Backpacks. Winner announcement on August 2, 2022. Join Discord now to learn more details.

05 Show off Your First SenseCAP M1 Order

Time: July 27 – August 2, 2022
🎁 Goodies: SenseCAP M1 x3
🌍 How: Join our Discord Community> #sensecap-m1 channel
Do you still remember your first SenseCAP M1 order onSeeed Studio’s official store? Time to dig it out. Please share a screenshot of your first SenseCAP M1 order on our Discord and we’d love to locate the 3 owners who place the earliest orders. We’ll send out 3 SenseCAP M1as a Thank You gift for your early support! Winner announcement on August 2, 2022.Join now to get more details.

06 Be a SenseCAP Product Manager

⏰Time: July 28 – August 2, 2022
🎁Goodies: 3dbi Fiberglass Antenna Kit x20
🌍How: Join our Discord Community > #sensors channel
Some of you might know that we’ve launched a SenseCAP LoRaWAN Sensor Node S210X series for the community to build IoT solutions to leverage the usage of the Helium network. 5 sensors are now available including Air Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Light Intensity Sensor, CO2, Temperature, and Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor, and Soil Moisture, Temperature and EC Sensor. But we know you want more sensors to be ready. How about being a SenseCAP Product Manager to share your product idea with us: what sensors that you want to add to the  SenseCAP series?  This campaign will last from July 28 to August 2. We’ve prepared 20 pieces of the 3dbi Fiberglass Antenna Kit to exchange for your product idea. Join the Discord now and think about the sensor that you want to develop. 

07 My Favorite Feature of the SenseCAP Hotspot App is...

⏰Time: July 29 – August 2, 2022
🎁Goodies: Wio Terminal LoRaWAN Field Tester x3
🌍How: Join our Discord Community> #sensecap-hotspot-app channel
We launched our SenseCAP Hotspot App on March 10, 2022, with the aim of making hotspots management and monitoring super easy. By now, we’ve reached a number of 25413 Downloads. It’s a huge number for such a short time (4 months). If you haven’t downloaded it, do it now as you’re invited to share your favorite feature of the app to join to win a Wio Terminal LoRaWAN Field Tester. 3 lucky winners will be picked randomly. Join our Discord community to get ready to share the feature.

08 What Does It Look Like: Your 1st 5G Hotspot?

⏰Time: July 30 – August 2, 2022
🎁Goodies: SenseCAP X Helium Collab T-shirts x10
🌍How: Join our Discord Community > #general channel

Do you own a 5G Hotspost? If not, what’s your price expectation for your 1st 5G Hotspot? Any functions that you’d love to have? Join our discussion on this topic in our Discord community, and we’ll select 10 lucky birds to send out 10 SenseCAP x Helium Collab T-shirts on August 2. Yes, it’s that simple: win gifts by just sharing your inputs. Join the Discord now and wait for the ball to roll.

It’s massive, right! Make sure to mark your calendar so you’ll not miss anything. We hope you’ll enjoy the ongoing and upcoming SenseCAP Anniversary Week campaigns. Thank you again for having supported us to become what we are today. I hope we’ll be up to your expectations for other many years!



That’s it for this post. As always, we can’t wait to see what you make. Shoot us a tweet @seeedstudio, or let us know on LinkedInDiscord, or publish your project on our Project Hub on Hackster. Please be safe out there, be kind to one another, and we’ll see you next month with even more exciting news!

About Author


July 2022