Custom Firmware Flashing Service for 14 Seeed Products: One Piece for Free

After the launch of the Seeed Fusion Original Design Manufacturing service (ODM), we released the Custom Firmware Flashing Service for Seeed products to better meet customers’ needs. The campaign was open to all clients and was designed to find out if demand for firmware flashing, module customization, and logo customization for Seeed products was strong. Regarding the campaign, we received 4 requests from users who had authentic customization demands, including all three of these services, especially the firmware flashing service.

In order to meet the personalized needs of various enterprises and customers, Seeed Fusion ODM is sponsoring 1 piece of free firmware flashing for 14 existing Seeed products. Moreover, the two other customization services: Logo Customization, for White labeling and rebranding, and Module Customization, for Changing the layout, function, or I/Os of Seeed products are also available.

Please check the 14 Seeed Bazaar Products here:

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Why do we offer a custom firmware flashing service?

Firmware refers to the microprograms present on ROM (Read Only Memory) modules, which contain low-level (e.g., hexadecimal, machine code) software. With more open source products and tools available, writing custom firmware has gained popularity among corporations and independent designers and engineers who want to tailor a device’s basic functionality to their own unique purposes. When the original firmware provided by the manufacturer does not meet the needs of the end-users, flashing custom firmware may be necessary.

With increased volume requirements, small businesses or individuals may not have the resources to flash multiple devices for deployment. That is where Seeed Fusion’s custom firmware flashing service can help.
Come and experience Seeed Fusion Free Custom Firmware Flashing Service for yourself!

How to apply:

Please click the link and fill in the form:

We made this form so you can conveniently communicate your custom firmware flashing needs based on Seeed products. Submit the form and we will review the details and come back with an initial quotation. If your application meets our customization requirements, Seeed Fusion’s professional ODM customer service representative will contact you to negotiate the project timeline and delivery, and then we will help you flash one-piece firmware 100% free.

By participating in this sponsorship event, you agree to review your experience with us and allow us to share it with the community on our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.). Furthermore, we also hope to write a customer case story about your experience of customizing firmware flashing and post it on the Seeed blog.

The custom design does not need to be open-sourced and details will not be shared with the public (unless you want to). We hope your experience will go on to inspire more businesses/individuals/customers with personalized needs to experience Seeed Fusion ODM customization services, and further improve and optimize our services according to your feedback. Customers are always our lifelong teachers! In addition to your customized firmware flashing needs, we also provide two other customization services. They are:

  • Logo Customization (White label or rebrand Seeed products as your own)
  • Module Customization (Change the layout, function, or I/Os of the product)

If you have any of the above customization requirements for any of the selected Seeed products, Seeed Fusion Agile Manufacturing and Customization service can help accelerate your product development and speed up your time-to-market by utilizing over 12 years of technical expertise, a strategic locale, and a strong supply chain!

Getting excited? Any business or individual with customization requirements or interests can apply now and take advantage of the free custom firmware flashing service for one piece!

Apply Now!

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July 2022