Voice Needed! Ready for a Wio-E5 & ESP32 Powered WiLoBlIno Device?

#Updated on July 14th, 2022

Hey community,

We got tons of valuable feedback and input from you since we published the Voice Needed for a Wio-E5 & ESP32 Powered WiLoBlIno Device. A very big shout-out to those who got your voices heard. Thank you for motivating us here at Seeed to make things better.

The Chief Technology Officer Antonio from Black Device has now received the WiLoBlIno development board manufactured by the Seeed Fusion PCBA service, which is currently being tested by the Black Device’s staff and it performs well. The picture is as below.

We also want to know if you want this device to be available in the Seeed Bazaar, and then if you have a demand to get one?

Please let us hear your voice again and add firewood to our product innovation!

:alarm_clock: Product Cooking Time and Your Voices Needed

Hey community, we need your voices again!! We and Black Device’s Chief Technology Officer Antonio Cotos Facal are collaborating to design a WiLoBlIno Device based on a Seeed Wio-E5 and #ESP32. WiLoBlIno, it comes to be a rapid prototyping board for IoT, educational and makers. Seeed’s Wio-E5 provides the base for LoRa, ESP32 provides wifi and ble. Being compatible with arduino allows to unite the most novice people in development with the slightly more advanced people who use ESP.

The device will come with the following features:

  • WiLoBlIno: Wi (Wifi) Lo (LoRa) BL(Bluetooth) Ino(Arduino compatible stack)
  • Giving the possibility of uniting 3 worlds: LoRa + ESP32 + Arduino
  • Could add any sensor by LoRa to this stack
  • Be able to communicate with it through Wifi and BLE
  • Use Arduino to program the whole set and more powerful than Arduino
  • Dedicate the ATmega to be able to make IO inputs / outputs easily

As stated, this project may be of interest to anyone who wants to make their project on top of this hardware, giving them the possibility of uniting 3 worlds: Lora + ESP32 + Arduino.

Moreover, any sensor by LoRa that you want to add to this stack in your project, will also be able to communicate with it through Wifi and BLe that ESP provides, in addition to obtaining interesting functions, it is more powerful than arduino. But nevertheless you can use the arduino to program the whole set and even dedicate the ATmega to be able to make IO inputs/outputs very easy.

And it can be interesting for the following groups of people regarding its applications and features:

  • IoT industry
  • Educational
  • Makers

Here are some pictures of the product diagram:

Now, we need your valuable input and feedback. 

Do you like this design? Shall we scale it up to make it available in our official store? What other features/IOs/functions that you’d love to add to this product? A huge thank you to you all in advance.

We’ve sent out the call for inputs on our channels. Shout-out your voices here in the comment section or on your preferred platform listed as follows:

Forum         LinkedIn         Twitter

Or if you prefer, feel free to join our Discord for a more in-depth discussion.

One more piece of good news!

For those who want to scale up your Wio-E5 projects, Seeed Fusion is running a Wio-E5 Sponsorship where you can apply to get 2 PCBA boards manufactured 100% completely FREE for your Wio-E5 design. You can find out more details and some very interesting projects supported by this sponsorship here.

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June 2022