Happy Lunar New Year of The Tiger from Seeed

We at Seeed wish you a Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger.

Hey community! 

The Lunar New Year holidays are upon us again! We’re expecting the Year of the Tiger! We just wanted to give you a heads up that Seeed will be closed from January 31st to February 6th for one of our biggest holidays The Lunar New Year. We will be back on Feb 7th with dispatches for both our official store orders and Fusion orders from the CN warehouses placed after January 24th.

If you’re celebrating this holiday, enjoy some downtime, and a big THANK YOU for all your support this whole lunar year! We wish you a Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger.

An Easter egg here! My friend CY also helped create two Lunar New Year Posters with wordings from Violet and me. On the right poster, there is a quote by English poet Siegfried Sassoon “In me, the tiger sniffs the rose.” while the poem on the left one is “At my heart, I see the infinity” (Violet also proposed this one, which I think is great, “At heart, I sense the whole world”). It comes from a poem by the Chinese poet Chongzhi Chao, who lived in Song Dynasty. I just love how we combine two lovely poems into a series and deliver the best wishes for the upcoming Lunar New Year of the Tiger at the same time. P.S. Did you notice the device in the tiger’s mouth? YES, it’s a SenseCAP One Compact Weather Sensor!

Happy Lunar New Year and until next time! ?

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January 2022