Hey community,
Do you know the Chinese character “小” (XIAO)? It usually means small, tiny, few and young. When it comes to our XIAO product series, we take the meaning of small and tiny as it is one of the highly acclaimed features. Currently, we have 4 tiny but strong members of Seeeduino XIAO, XIAO RP2040, XIAO BLE and XIAO BLE Sense in this series (more to come soon, stay tuned!).
Lately, the very first batch of our XIAO BLE and XIAO BLE Sense powered by the Nordic nRF52840 has arrived at the hands of global makers and developers. This photo, taken by Tom Fleet on Twitter, captures the tiny and chic feature of XIAO BLE when holed between two fingers.
Now it’s your turn to share in the XIAO Photo Contest that we launched on our LinedIn. For a chance to win, follow Seeed Studio on LinkedIn, share your photos of our XIAO product series (it could be a photo of XIAO series products, and a photo of your XIAO projects. A link to your project tutorial is a plus) in the comment section here. We’ll select two photos we love the most, and give away 2 Seeed limited-edition T-shirts to the selected photographers on February 10th, 2022!
If you haven’t met your newly released T-shirt, here are the pictures of the very limited edition T-shirts (2 colors available). On the front of the T-shirt, there is a pattern of a Common Base configuration of a transistor and the 4 Chinese characters “积极向上“, which means “Stay Positive”. And in Chinese, “积极“ shares the same pronunciation with “基极“, which refers to Common Base!
📷 Be creative, take good photos, and good luck!
About Author
Nature lover, baker, cook, DIYer, bug hunter in daily life, and wanna code. Love writing. Words are my natural expression.
Steve we are working to find these WeatherXM weather station and who is manufacturing the system.
Anyone with info please leave a comment
I am looking to gain knowledge in coding, ML, Ai and build sensor and electronic builds.
Free courses please. I am available to put more hours into learning ML and hope to find educational organized hands-on Tutorial..
Building a better World
S. Lnrd
When can we expect to see the Weather XM Bundle to be available?
$teve Leonard
[email protected]