TinyML Comes to Shenzhen, and Here Comes The Invitation to Our 1st Meetup

Hey Community,

Hope you have a great start in this brand-new 2022! According to the ABI Research, 2022 will be The Year TinyML Catches on, with total shipments of 1.2 billion devices with TinyML chipsets in 2022. To embrace this emerging trend, we’d love to share a piece of exciting news that tinyML Meetup is coming to Shenzhen! In the evening of the upcoming January 21 (Friday), we’ll organize the first-ever tinyML Shenzhen Meetup, and we’ll kick off the series tinyML: Enabling low Power ML at the Edge-Shenzhen events at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen with foods and drinks.

Before heading to the event details, there’s a keyword you should learn about, which is the tinyML!!! You might be familiar with ML (Machine Learning), but for Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) it might be a first for many. Tiny Machine Learning is broadly defined as a fast-growing field of machine learning technologies and applications including hardware, algorithms, and software capable of performing on-device sensor data analytics at extremely low power, typically in the mW range and below, and hence enabling a variety of always-on use-cases and targeting battery-operated devices.

Moreover, the tinyML Foundation, an organization that shouldn’t miss when mentioning tinyML, has acquired significant momentum over the last few years. With the joint effort of the foundation and multi-stakeholders behind, the global tinyML community continues to grow through the multiple events – in-person and online – throughout the year including tinyML Summit, tinyML EMEA, tinyML Asia, tinyML Talks, and tinyML Meetups. As for TinyML Meetups, there are 42 city-based groups in 30 countries with around 8000 active members participating from all around the world.

And now, tinyML Meetups are coming to Shenzhen! On January 21st, a small group of tinyML community members will gather to kick off the series tinyML: Enabling low Power ML at the Edge-Shenzhen events at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen. And we would love to invite you to join us to foster this amazing community!

Meetup Rundown
-19:30-19:35 Meetup Opening
-19:35-20:05 Ice Breaking by self-introductions
-20:05-20:45 Brain-storming / thoughts/ discussion /ideas on upcoming TinyML Shenzhen Meetups
-20:45-21:00 Call for Speakers for the upcoming TinyML SZ meetups Q&A
-21:00-21:30 Group Photo, mingle, and party up
*Snacks and drinks will be served.

Meetup Details
Time: 19:30-21:30, January 21st (Friday), 2022
Place: Chaihuo x.factory, B622, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Sign-up: click this link to sign up on Meetup
Notes: Please make sure to get your Health Code ready at the entrance to gain access to the event. After registration, please scan the following QR Code to join the event group on Wechat.

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together.” So makers, why wait? Let’s create and foster a unique tinyML Shenzhen Community together, and let’s meet at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen on January 21st. Please sign up to secure your spot and bring along your story with tinyML!!

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January 2022