Solar-Powered Outdoor Air Quality Monitor transmits data over LoRaWAN with the help of Seeed Fusion
Did you know that fossil fuel air pollution is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths
Did you know that fossil fuel air pollution is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths
Seeed Joins CAEPI as an association member to explore more collaborations with the network to apply IIoT solutions to environmental protection scenarios.
In order to resolve the world’s oil spill issues caused by the Deepwater Horizon Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Protei (a wind-powered and automated sailing fleet robot) was developed by MakerBay and Seeed. By shifting its shapes according to water waves and wind directions, the robot has been useful in collecting and cleaning thin sheens of light oil on water surfaces. Thanks to the fact that it is robustly built to survive in harsh weather conditions and hazardous chemical zones, it is now also used to clean material wastes and other chemical pollutants in the ocean. Now, Protei is the ongoing result of glocal open innovation communities. Accordingly, this Project seeks to achieve the UN’s SDGs 6, 14, 11, 15, 3, 1, 7, 9, 8, 12, 13 and 17.
For this post, we’ll cover 6 breaking news that you might want to know about, 8 awesome projects from the community, 2 stories on how to deploy IIoT Solution to solve real-world issues, 6 technical write-ups, 2 successful manufacturing case, and 2 prototyping sponsorships and 2 giveaways. Some hottest topics like XIAO BLE, RP2040, OTA, embedded Machine Learning will be covered too.
The Challenge Brands need to understand their customers on a deeper level. Therefore, they employ
Hey community, You might also feel the trend that Machine Learning networks are getting smaller.