Edge Impulse Imagine 2021: Learn to build Benjamin’s Artificial Nose with Graphical Programming

Hey community, 

A piece of exciting news to share today! Our friends at Edge Impulse will organize Edge Impulse Imagine, the biggest embedded Machine Learning event of the year, a three-day event starting on September 29th! Join for FREE to attend expert talks, connect with developers, and participate in hands-on labs. Get yourself registered now! 

During the 3-day event, Seeed will take you to the following two sessions:

  1. On Oct. 1st, Eric Pan, Founder and CEO of Seeed, will be invited to the panel of Inspiring the Next Generation of ML Developers together with Microsoft Sr. Program Manager Jennifer Fox and Make: Magazine Executive Editor Mike Senese. The discussion will focus on the work of the developer community, emerging trends and applications, as well as the adoption of tinyML-compatible hardware and tools. Just make sure to mark it on your calendar.
  1. On Oct. 1st, at 9:30 AM (PDT), we’ll partner with Benjamin Cabé to bring you an online hands-on workshop to teach you how to use Codecraft, the Edge Impulse powered graphical programming platform, to build your TinyML projects.

For the workshop, every participant will have a chance to get a Wio Terminal for FREE, to build real-world projects. Yes, we will be selecting 50 applications and delivering them a free device! In order to qualify for a free device, please fill in this survey ? https://forms.gle/4wv3ouiqpcmLvdS96

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How to apply free hardware? 

1. Please create an account at Seeed Studio first so that we can send a coupon to your account. 

2. Please share with us the email address you used to register at seeedstudio.com

The email address* that you share will be only used to contact you regarding the hardware application and orders at Seeed. 

3. In order to qualify for a free device, we ask you to fill in this survey ?https://forms.gle/4wv3ouiqpcmLvdS96.  

If you have any questions, contact elaine.wu(at)seeed.cc

TinyML allows the open-source hardware you have at hand to create new possibilities.

Embedded machine learning becomes much easier and accessible to beginners when using Codecraft graphical programming and Wio Terminal. Simply drag-and-drop blocks, acquire data, train and deploy models, Codecraft will bring you a more vivid machine learning experience than ever.

Powered by Edge Impulse, TinyML community, and Graphical Programming platform, we are aiming at reducing the computational space and power required by machine learning models, Edge AI is fitting artificial intelligence applications into smaller, less powerful computers, even ultra-low-power microcontrollers, and less required developing skills. 

If you have any questions about the contest, contact elaine.wu(at)seeed.cc

And there is more: 

With Wio Terminal, you can: 

  • Sense and tag the Real-World data with over 300 Groves created by Seeed and visualize through Azure IoT Central Platform to create an end-to-end IoT project
  • Use a 100% open-source Hardware in a pythonic way
  • Build your program interpreter starting from 90% with LCD screen and compact enclosure
  • Create embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements and beautiful visualized editing tools.

Artificial Nose Background

“Some time back in May 2020, I’m guessing like many other people, I spent quite some time trying to perfect my bread recipe – including trying to determine when my sourdough starter would be in the ideal condition to bake perfect baguettes.

Fast-forward to a few weeks later, I had assembled a full-blown (pun intended!) artificial nose. It can be used for a wide variety of applications, from helping folks suffering from anosmia to spot the smell of burning food or spoiled milk, to monitor the cleanliness of office buildings, etc.” — Benjamin Cabé

Benjamin spent a long time trying to perfect this machine learning recipe on a tiny device, if you have a chance to read the magazine of MAKE: Vol.77, you will find this project is featured on the cover! 

Start your Machine Learning and IoT Journey with Wio Terminal: 

With this kit, you will get all the required parts to build a device that can detect what’s in the air and identify each smell, and then displays the results on Wio Terminal LCD. Since the Wio Terminal is an Azure certified device, not only can the artificial nose sense and tag the scents you want to know in the air, but everything can be analyzed and visualized in real-time through Azure IoT Central. Furthermore, there are endless possibilities for extending the capabilities of the nose, with over 300 Grove modules that are compatible with the Wio Terminal.

More importantly, you can automatically trigger rules when, for example, a bad smell is being detected, therefore allowing the nose to be much smarter than if it were just a standalone, offline, device.

Connecting the Artificial Nose to Azure IoT Central

Connecting the Artificial Nose to Azure IoT Central – Real-time telemetry.

Benjamin Cabé’s artificial nose project will help you learn new tools such as TensorFlow Lite and Edge Impulse, that you can use to train AI modules right now.  Follow Benjamin’s all open-source libraries and tutorials, with the Wio Terminal, Grove – Multichannel Gas Sensor v2, Grove – MOSFET, you will be ready to learn Machine Learning the easiest way for how to use frameworks like TensorFlow Lite to squeeze trained AI on this ATSAMD5119 ARM Cortex-M4 powered IoT device. 

Wio Terminal Based IoT Scenario Kits with step-by-step tutorials

Hello World of AI

Setup, Documentation, and Support

  • An invitation to join the Seeed Community on Discord! Join our Wio Terminal Channel for a 24/7/365 making, sharing, and helping each other out. https://discord.gg/5UbBNAFv
  • Please visit our wiki for more information about Wio Terminal. 
  • Check Resource Roundup for Wio Terminal: Tutorials, Reviews, and Projects from Community and we hope some of them will inspire you!

About Author


August 2021