Upcoming Webinar: Seeed Joins tinyML Talks on Speech-to-Intent Model Deployment to Low-Power & Low-Footprint Devices

                                                                    Figure 1. Dmitry Maslov on tinyML Talks (ⓒ tinyML)

Today, I’m excited to share an informative and mind-boggling online event with you all! On 31st of August (8:00A.M.-9:00A.M. Pacific Daylight Time), our Machine Learning Engineer and Product Manager, Dmitry Maslov, will be joining tinyML Talks Webcast, to share his experience and tips about speech-to-intent models on low-power, and low-footprint devices, such as microcontrollers. He will specifically touch base on a deployment case study on Cortex M4F-based Development Board, using built-in microphone and Wio Terminal.

For everyone interested in this deep dive, please register ASAP (audience capacity is limited) via the following link:

FYI, at Seeed, Dmitry primarily works on machine learning applications for embedded devices (both MCUs and SBCs). Not long ago, he published a TinyML project series in a course, in which he showcases using Edge Impulse/Tensor flow Lite for microcontrollers to tackle challenging sensor data analysis-related tasks using the Wio Terminal.

                                                                                     Figure 2. Seeed Studio’s Wio Terminal

As for tinyML, it is a rapidly-expanding area of machine learning technologies and applications, including hardware, software, and algorithms, that have the capacity to carry out data analysis of on-device sensors – audio, vision, IMU, biomedical, and the like – at exceptionally low power (mW range and below)!  The tinyML community is continuously growing thanks to a variety of cool events both online and offline (ex. tinyML Summit, tinyML EMEA, tinyML Asia, tinyML Talks, tinyML Meetups).

After you’ve successfully registered, you’ll be able to receive a link and dial-in information to join the online conference via email. For those of you who won’t be able to make it to the live event, no worries! You can stay tuned for recorded videos and PPT slides here. For more information about the event, you can click here.

Now, see you all at the webinar! Let’s share our brilliant minds and creative ideas. 😀

About Author


August 2021