Seeed Is Now an Official ST Authorized Partner

We’re excited about the partnership and looking forward to participating in such a dynamic and vibrant community with other members of the ST Partner Program.

Hey community,

We’re excited to announce that Seeed has been authorized by STMicroelectronics as a new member to join the ST Partner ecosystem. Seeed’s partner page is now live on ST’s official website, where some of our products and services are listed.

ST Partner Program aims to enhance the ecosystem around ST’s broad portfolio of products helping them to reduce development effort and accelerate time to market. Members of the ST Partner Program offer a wide range of products and services covering areas such as Software Development Tools, Hardware Development Tools, Embedded Software, Components and Modules, Training, Engineering Services, and Cloud.

“Seeed has had a long history of applying ST technologies into our products. We’re excited about the partnership and looking forward to participating in such a dynamic and vibrant community with other members of the ST Partner Program. Seeed will be exploring to collaborate with other members to contribute to the ecosystem.” said Shuyang Zhou, Director of Sales at Seeed.

Seeed’s Partner Page on ST

“The ST Partner Program is a high-value offering that has exceeded the expectations of our Customers and Partners helping customers’ design teams access strong supplemental skills, tools, and resources that meet design time-to-market challenges across the full ecosystem of products and services while easily integrating ST devices in their projects,” said Alessandro Maloberti, Partner Ecosystem Director, STMicroelectronics. “By selecting, qualifying, and certifying ST Authorized Partners, customers know that the partners they engage have the expertise to accelerate their design and development activities and ensure they ship the most robust and efficient products and services to market.”

About ST
STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications created the ST Partner Program to speed customer development efforts by identifying and highlighting to them companies with complementary products and services. Moreover, the program’s certification process assures that all partners are periodically vetted for quality and competence. For more information, please visit

About Seeed
Seeed is the IoT hardware enabler providing services that empower IoT developers to swiftly realize their products. By partnering with technology providers from hardware to the cloud, Seeed offers a wide array of hardware platforms and sensor modules ready to be integrated with existing IoT platforms. With Shenzhen’s extensive and flexible supply chain, Seeed also offers customization and agile manufacturing services, ranging from a single unit to over 10,000 units. Seeed serves the global market from its headquarter in Shenzhen, China, with branch offices in the EU, Japan, and US. For more information, please visit

About Author


June 2021