Even More Open Open Source Hardware Development with New Seeed HDKs

It’s no secret that Seeed is a keen supporter of Open Source Hardware and the Open Source Community. With our own development boards and modules, we make the design files freely available for designers to develop and integrate into new products. But we also get a lot of requests for other supporting materials such as the list of materials and test documentation. So now, we are steadily releasing the full shebang with Hardware development kits (HDK) for our best-in-shows, starting with the popular Seeeduino XIAO.

What use are schematic and Gerber files when you want to implement the entire design in a new product? Without the Bill of Materials (BOM), test files and firmware, you have to figure out these things all over again. Now with the Seeed HDKs, save time and use the tested and proven blueprints to accelerate your product development. We have even included manufacturing guidelines and notes to maximize yield and avoid those manufacturing pitfalls.

The strength of the open-source community comes from the openness between collaborators. So, in releasing these Hardware Development kits, we hope to empower creators with the materials and expertise needed to accelerate product development. With our own roots as a maker for makers, it was always our intention for Seeed development boards and modules to be the building blocks for tailor-made and specialized solutions.

Now, introducing our first HDK release,

HDK: Seeeduino XIAO – the smallest Arduino compatible board in the Seeeduino family. Product Link

A tiny Arduino development board embedded with the SAMD21 microchip, the interfaces on the Seeeduino XIAO are rich for a board with such a small form factor, making it ideal for integration into similarly space-constrained devices.

HDK Contents:

  • Eagle files (SCH)
  • PCB Design
  • Factory firmware
  • Test fixture
  • Testing firmware
  • SOP (standard operating procedure)
  • NPI (New Product Introduction) report.

Find the HDK for Seeeduino XIAO on the product page.

The Seeed engineers are working hard on releasing as many HDKs for your favorite products. Put up your suggestions for your most wanted HDKs via the forum.

Manufacturing is hard, so should you need someone to help with taking your design from paper to product, why not go with the same folks who made the Seeeduino XIAO? The Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly service takes care of parts sourcing, PCB fabrication and assembly. With a bunch of features and value-added services, including the Design for assembly service that has your design verified by a Seeed engineer, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Get an instant online quote by uploading your formatted BOM here.

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July 2020