SCD30: Carbon Dioxide, Humidity, and Temperature all in one

Grove – CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SCD30)

You may be wondering why do the SCD30 looks different from its original product. The above is Seeed very own Grove- CO2 Environmental Sensor based on Sensirion SCD30.

This blog will introduce Seeed’s version of the SCD30 along with the following:

  • SCD30 Applications
  • SCD30 VS DHT11 & DHT22
  • Pairing the SCD30

Grove: C02 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SCD30)

Seeed very own Grove- SCD30 is based on Sensiron SCD30, a high-end CO2, humidity, and temperature sensor that comes with NDIR CO2 sensor technology, integrated Sensiron humidity and temperature sensor for accurate environmental sensing.

The measuring range of this sensor is 0 ppm-40’000 ppm, and the measurement accuracy can reach to ±(30 ppm + 3%) between 400ppm to 10’000ppm

Product Features

  • NDIR CO2 sensor technology
  • Integrated temperature and humidity sensor
  • Best performance-to-price ratio
  • Dual-channel detection for superior stability
  • Digital interface I2C
  • Low power consumption
  • Ultra-long sensor lifetime (15 years)

For the full specifications, you can head over here

What’s good about the SCD30?

The different technology that’s integrated into the SCD30 allows plenty of user benefits:

Technology Integrated User Benefits
NDIR Measurement Principle High accuracy and reliability when measuring CO2
Built-in reference channel Superior long-term stability
Temperature compensation of CO2 sensor signal Best temperature stability
Inhouse dector that’s based on Sensiron’s CMOSens(r) Technology Best performance-to-price ratio
On-board temperature and humidity sensor Saves effort in regard sto system design and qualification
Fully calibrated and linearized. UART and I2
C interface
Easy interfacing and read-out

Product Applications

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Do you know?

Do you know with all the modern temperature systems such as the variable air volume systems (VAV) it allows for energy efficiency but results in poor indoor air quality?

This is so due to the lack of proper ventilation that’s resulted from the design of such energy efficiency systems.

This makes SCD30 applicable as it allows users to monitor CO2 levels to develop solutions for a better well-being.

Create new devices/projects through Environmental Sensing

The ability of the SCD30 to provide information/data on key environmental indicators shown in the image opens up possibilities for you to create/develop solutions in different aspects.

Other applications include:

  • Medical/Clinical
  • Agriculture
  • Food quality control
  • Work safety; for monitoring toxic gases in a working environment
  • Utilities/Automotive/Power Plants
  • Defense/Military
  • Aerospace
  • Traffic/tunnels/car parks

SCD30 VS DHT11 & DHT22: Is carbon dioxide sensing really worth the extra cost?

SCD30 does deliver performance when it comes to C02 sensing but is the extra cost worth as compared to other cheap standalone temperature and humidity sensors like the DHT11 and DHT22?

Below showcases the differences between these sensors:

Humidity Reading Range 20-80% with 5% accuracy 0-100% with 2-5% accuracy 0-100%
Temperature Reading Range 0-50°C with ±2°C accuracy -40 to 80°C with ±0.5°C accuracy
– 40°C – 70°C
Power supply voltage 3 to 5V power and I/O 3 to 5V power and I/O 3.3V – 5.5V
C02 Compatible No No Yes
Measurement Range: 400 ppm – 10.000 ppm

Although the temperature reading range between the DHT22 and SCD30 is fairly similar, it lacks the integrated technology that SCD30 offers. With Sensiron technology, ambient humidity and temperature can be measured together with C02 levels without the need for any additional components. This opens up more applicational opportunities.

On top of that, SCD dual-channel detection offers superior stability for measurement.

Verdict: The convenience and versatility of SCD30 live up to its price tag, providing the best performance-to-price ratio. It is also recommended for each home to have at least one C02 detector in ensuring sustained air quality due to the effects it brings to you.

You can refer to this article on why C02 levels should be monitored

Start using the SCD30 with:

Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+: Seeed’s very own Arduino


  • Compatible with Arduino UNO
  • ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 32bit 48MHz microcontroller(SAMD21)
  • 12 on-board Grove connectors
  • 14 Digital I/O Pins (10 PWM outputs)
  •  6 Analog Inputs
  • Support Power Path Management
  • Support micro-USB or Li-Po battery powered
  • 2A maximum charging current
  • Suitable for low power design

The SCD30 is compatible with the above Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+, Seeed’s very own Arduino. It can be connected through firstly connecting it to the I2C port and then to your PC via a USB cable.

For details into the further steps of configuration, you can head here


With rising concerns on C02 emission levels and its effect on human health, the SCD30 allows you to monitor, and develop new potential solutions for a overall better well-being.

About Author


November 2019