Free Assembly for 5 Pieces – Only at Seeed Fusion!

Ever since the germination of Seeed, Seeed’s PCB Assembly capabilities were always part of the main stem supporting Seeed’s growth. From Grove modules and Seeeduinos, to Beaglebones and Wio Links, in-house assembly has always been at our roots and is connected to every capillary of Seeed.

Now mature and ever branching out, the Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly service has matured into our star service, bringing together PCB fabrication, parts procurement and assembly all-in-one. Not only that, we’ve grafted and nurtured supporting services and goodies, including the PCBA Open Parts Libraries that enable cheaper and faster PCB assembly from just 7 working days (now over 15,000 parts!), the pioneering advanced BOM reader that cooks up quotes in seconds from a simple BOM, and not to mention free shipping to anywhere in the world.
While us folks love PCBs and everything Gerber, PCB fabrication will always only be part of the puzzle. Assembly is where things really start to come to life and so we’ve been working on bringing turnkey PCB Assembly to everyone’s doorstep.
Now, we are going even further by completely slashing assembly, operation and set-up fees for orders of 5 pieces or less. Just pay for the components, PCBs and stencil, and our dedicated team will take care of the rest (up to 20 different components). Most orders can save as much as 80% off the regular price. $10 per piece? No problem. Take for example the Seeeduino, you can get 5 pieces fully assembled for just $50 (usually over $400) – $10 a piece, a price usually only achievable at quantities of several thousands.

We really mean it when we say now is the time to try turnkey PCB assembly.
Sick of soldering or tired of finding reliable parts suppliers? Hand it over to us and do something more worthwhile with your time. With expansive supply chain capabilities, over 10 years of PCB know-how and a passion for all things maker and IoT, Seeed Fusion’s got you covered.
Why choose Seeed Fusion PCBA service?
- Get the complete PCBA from just 7 working days*
- Free shipping on all PCBA orders
- A selection of over 15,000 cheaper and readily available parts
- Smart BOM reader matches updated pricing and stock from major suppliers
- Community-maintained Eagle and KiCad component libraries for the PCBA OPLs
- Try now with no assembly costs for 5 pieces. Up to 80% off the original price!
*using all parts from the OPLs, otherwise externally sourced parts increase the production time to 20 days. Sorry about that, blame customs.
Join thousands of others who already choose us as their go-to solution. Try Seeed’s Fusion Turnkey PCB Assembly service and get free assembly for 5 pieces. Just navigate to the dedicated offer page and upload the BOM and PCB Gerber files. Offer only available once per customer.
I was very happy with the entire process. Seeed’s turnaround time was always impressive, and the communication and support I received was a big help. Seeed was a big part of our success this year and I look forward to using Seeed again in the near future.
Steve Ball, Badgelife
Is this “FREE ASSEMBLY FOR 5 PIECES” promo only for a limited time? Or is it for good?
We currently do not have plans to terminate the offer so take your time!
How long is this promotion going on for?
No end date any time soon since it is limited to once per customer