Meet Seeed at Embedded World 2019 in Nuremberg Germany, February 26-28

Hey Community,

Time flies, and it’s time for another Embedded World, the leading international fair for embedded systems. We’ll head to Nuremberg Germany tomorrow, and we’d love to meet you there.

It’s our second time at Embedded World, and we’ve prepared a bit more this time. Featured products are a must for an exhibition, and we’ll have 54 Seeed products that you are already familiar with, including our Grove system, ReSpeaker series, BeagleBone Green series, Azure Sphere MT3620 series, Wio series, Seeeduino series, and LinkIt

Apart from the above-mentioned well-known Seeed products, our design team also put 2 amazing shows at our booth, where you could find more Seeed technologies. One of the spotlights will be our new industrial sensing solution SenseCAP that will make its debut at Embedded World, unveiling 7 different gateways and sensors for various industrial scenarios. The other includes plenty of demos, product applications, cool Seeed swags (badges, stickers, PCB rules and more!) and coupons!

Additionally, as a partner of Arm’s Leading Edge program, we will be part of Arm’s Scavenger Hunt competition at Embedded World as well. You could find more competition details onsite! Stay tuned!! 

I’ll not spoil too many surprises for on-site visits here. So if you’re in the area, welcome to bring your projects, questions, or just come say hi. Looking forward to meeting you in Nuremberg then!

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February 2019