Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit Unboxing with Microsoft IoT in Action Webinar

We are all continually witnessing the IoT technology transform companies in exciting, and innovative ways. To embrace the technology into a global community and ecosystem, Microsoft is inviting global partners and innovators to participate its IoT in Action series program to build and deploy new IoT solutions that can be used to change the world around us. This year, Microsoft IoT in Action will tour around to Barcelona, Santa Clara, Taipei, Shenzhen, Seoul, and Tokyo to meet local innovators (Learn more and register to your city’s IoT in Action here).

Apart from the offline events, there are series Microsoft IoT in Action Webinars online for those who could not make it offline! And to make it more exciting, there are IoT in Action Azure Sphere webinar series introducing our Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit on October 4th, 2018.

It would be a great opportunity to see the unboxing of Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit and learn more about how it enables secure end-to-end connected devices. Some highlights for the webinar include a firsthand look at the kit and the MT3620 chip, review materials, a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Azure Sphere and insights on IoT opportunity with Azure Sphere from Microsoft expats.

Don’t want to miss it? Choose your timezone to register to the webinar now!

Americas webinar: October 4, 10 am PST
EMEA webinar: October 4, 11 am CET
APAC webinar: October 4, 1 pm UTC+8

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September 2018