Seeed Fusion Sponsors YOU with the Prototype Package. Just $1 for three PCBs.

Extended until the end of October!

Seeed Fusion is always committed to finding ways of tailoring its manufacturing services to the needs of its favorite people (you), whether it’s cheaper, better quality, more convenient or something else entirely – we’re listening. And now we’ve gone and done it again.

Many of you have told us that you simply do not need the typical ten pieces for a prototype or a trial run. The excess becomes table weights or rather thick and slippery emergency bookmarks. So Seeed Fusion is introducing the environmental-friendly prototype package – just $1 for three pieces PCBs. Yes, you read that right, customized PCBs for $1.

But how can it be so cheap? And why haven’t others done it before?

From a manufacturing perspective, there is barely any difference between fabricating 1, 5 or 10 pieces. For small orders, much of the expense makes up the engineering costs per order, file review, equipment programming and set-up etc. – so manufacturers do not welcome single piece requests. It’s the same amount of work for less money.

First things first, the quality and service for these $1 PCBs are exactly the same, we’re not using cheaper materials, skipping inspections or ramping up shipping costs. We are sponsoring you: just as we like to give out coupons, we like to see your projects flourish into much greater and bigger things, and we’ll help you get there. Even if it means grabbing your attention with dirt cheap prices and footing part of the bill – they’re practically free. (Shipping costs not included, sorry.)

So, for one month only, get 3 pieces of one or two layer PCBs within 100 x 100mm for just $1. This includes a choice of 6 colors and various board thicknesses. No coupon required, just navigate to our special event page and add it to the cart. One $1 order per package only, but you can still get your 10 piece $4.90 orders or any other order in the same package.

Offer ends 21st September so hurry up and place your order now! Offer extended until the end of October!


Enjoy! And let us know what you think.

Only at Seeed Fusion

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August 2018