Get Tech Support & Community Info at Seeed Forum!
Dear Seeekers,
Have you been vexed by not being able to find answers to certain technical issues? And you might miss the good old times when the whole community can communicate in the same zone, searching for answers and asking new questions.
Good news! Seeed Forum is back! We sincerely invite you to come & communicate with us and the whole community here at Seeed Forum!
The current Seeed forum basically consists of three parts:
- Community
– General Info
– News (products/ exhibitions/ promotions etc.)
– Shenzhen Info (events in Shenzhen & ask/ share tips about Shenzhen)

- Products & Technology
This category includes sub-categories for different product lines, including Grove, ReSpeaker, Wio serious, BeagleBone, Arduino and Raspberry Pi etc.
The forum will be the new & main channel for you to ask questions about tech support. To ensure the efficiency of tech support, we highly suggest you posting tech question on the forum. If you post tech questions on social media such as Facebook or Twitter, we’ll need to forward them to our Tech Support Team and re-post to the forum to get the answers for you.
- Seeed Services
There are 2 main sub-categories: Fusion Services and Agile Manufacturing Services. Feel free to ask questions about Seeed services in this section.
Please feel free to send us questions, suggestions & complaints on the Forum. We are eager to hear your voices!!
Enjoy making & sharing~