Top 3 Fruit Piano Projects

Tired of your boring keyboard?  You may be looking for some new projects to get your teeth into.

We’ve made sure to pick some fun and genuinely fruit piano projects using different development platforms, so read on to start exploring different ways to make a fruit piano.


 (1) Arduino Fruit Piano

arduino projects

The basic concept is simple. Each piano key is a voltage divider circuit involving two resistors: one 1-megaohm resistor and one piece of fruit. Touching the fruit will change the resistance in the circuit, resulting in a change to the voltage at the junction between the two resistors. The Arduino can measure this changing voltage with an analog input, and use it to control an audio speaker.

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(2)Respeaker Tomato Piano

respeaker piano

Inspired by the Makey Makey, we programmed ReSpeaker with Arduino IDE, and came out of a really special DIY piano that is built on 8 cherry tomatoes connecting to the 8 touch sensors on ReSpeaker, we call it, the Tomato Piano. Each cherry tomato represents a key to the music note, starting from the ‘do’ to the ‘ti’, so we have enough keys to perform songs we like. Check the video below to see how we played ‘Jingle Bells’ with the Tomato Piano.

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(3) The BBC micro:bit Fruit Keyboard


This is one of the most fun Micro Bit projects so far by the BBC Touch Develop tutorial ‘Banana Keyboard’, it guides you through how to turn your Micro Bit into a touch-activated tone generator. All you need is a BBC micro:bit, 2x AAA batteries, battery clip, crocodile wires, 2 pieces of fruit and headphones.

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Hope you enjoy this project sharing post. Happy fruit playing and welcome to share your own fruit keyboard projects with us!



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August 2017