Whether UAV or Amazon Alexa,all can made by BBG or BBGW
Probably you had heard or bought SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green & BeagleBone Green Wireless. Due to excellent specification, BBG &BBGW Google widely used in IoT devices and industrial products.Today I would like to recommend some popular projects.
1. Flying BeagleBone Green by Mirko Denecke on Hackster
BBBmini is a state of the art Linux autopilot / flightcontroller Cape for the BeagleBone. It can be used for Copter, Planes or Rovers.
2. BeagleBone Green Wireless Irrigation Control by Greg Raven on Hackster
A practical project using the BeagleBone Green Wireless as a server/controller for a home irrigation system.
3.BeagleAlexa by Franklin Cooper Jr. on Hackster
Voice recognition and computer based personal assistant
Besides, we recently launched a 20% off discount bundles of BBG& BBGW and ReSpeaker Mic Array.You can do more voice control and recognition projects using this bundle. Hurry – this sale is only 1 month long so make sure to get discounted items while you can!
You must have other excellent ideas or projects, wish you can share with us.#SeeedSummerShare.
*Please note that Bundle Deals cannot be combined with any other promotion, discount.