18 Awesome Projects of Grove Environmental Sensors

Here is a collection of projects using Grove environmental sensors. It is the most popular Grove category so far.The idea is to share development tools(even  with same project ideas) and creative applications. If you want to share your own, feel free to comment below. In most cases, these tutorials can be used in various sensors specially when the protocols are the same. Here are some key words for you to better navigate the projects.

Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Intel Galileo/Edison,Light Blue Bean,Arduino UNO, Seeeduino UNO

temboo, twilio,Windows 10 core,initial state, Mediatek Cloud Sandbox,Intel IoT Analytics Dashboard,

Johnny Five, upm(MRAA)

1. Barometer Sensor

bluetooth low energy (BLE) weather station by Vincent Dupuis
abluetooth low energy (BLE) weather station with its associated smartphone (in my case iphone) app.

Build a Weather Station By MediaTek Linkit ONE by statusorel.ru
Upload data to internet and streamed on the cloud via Mediatek Cloud Sandbox

2. Moisture Sensor


upm:  GroveMoisture Class Reference
API for the Grove Moisture Sensor by using the MRAA libraries

Making a plant watering reminder system with LaunchPad & Energia! by AdrianFer,TI
Reading the analog Moisture sensor and triggering a text message with Temboo & Twilio.

Water Detection System by Karel Kalthoff
Send email alerts with LightBlue Bean using Node-RED on Raspberry Pi

Intel Edison Hydroponics Controller by  BLT Robotics
Creating a IoT enabled Hydroponics Controller using the Intel Edison, Intel’s XDK IoT Edition, which allows you to write your code in JavaScript using Node.js libraries, as well as Intel IoT Analytics Dashboard.

An Introduction to IoT with Arduino, Node and a Plant by Leonardo Couto
runningjohnnyfive on arduino,light up a LED, print something on LCD and read data from moisture sensor even make a twitter bot for the plant

3. Temp& Humidity sensor

Review: Wio Link Plug-and-Play IoT Board by initial state team
use Wio Link to stream data of temp&hum sensor to Initial State with IFTTT and with Python.

4.Dust Sensor

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring by Bo Wang
detect the particle pollution emitted by cooking activities to investigate correlation of cooking behaviors and air quality wiith Arduino Uno Ethernet. It reads the data from the sensor and writes to serial port of the computer.

Air Quality Box by Seeed Studio
Monitor air quality around you with data of alchoho sensor, gas sensor, dust sensor on OLED display over Seeeduino UNO

5. Air Quality Sensor

Intel Edison + Grove – Air quality sensor by rwaldron
Using Johnny-Five with Grove’s Air quality sensor component on the Intel Edison Arduino Breakout. This shield and component will work with any Arduino pin-out compatible hardware platform. More  Johnny-Five on Intel Edison + Grove IoT Kit Examplesdison + Grove IoT Kit Examples

ESP8266 and Air Quality sensor by fab-lab.eu
ESP8266 hooked up to the cloud feeding data from an Air Quality sensor sniffing for  VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are emitted by bread … with astonishing results!

A wearable necklace indoor air quality detector with a mobile display app.

6. Gas Sensor

A Plant Box with Lightning and Raining by loovee in Seeed Studio
use  Raspberry Pi 2 running on Windows 10 IoforT Core to collect data outdoors such as temperature, humidity, and CO2 to a plant box

Python on Intel Galileo/Edison – Part6: Light sensor by NavinBhaskar
using the upm library to interface the Grove Light sensor with the Galileo/Edison using python.

Home Automation: Control Relay Base On Light Sensor (Intel Edison) by Nghia Nguyen
Every night before go to bed, you always have to turn on the alarm system.

7. Sound Sensor

Intel Edison and Grove sound sensor – Send message to mobile via MQTT by GlaucoJ

8. Light Sensor

Example: Light Sensor by Paul Langdon
Sample Light Sensor on Intel Edison in Node.js

Hope you enjoy it. If you have comments and other ideas about Grove, feel free to share with us here!

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July 2016