New Rephone Skeleton: Cyrcle, 3D-printed Pocket Watch Case

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The first-generation prototype Cyrcle comes in a 3D-printed casing with open sourced components inside.
Ultimately the goal is for dual edge-to-edge screens running Android software.

Two former Microsoft employees found their phones didn’t do what they wanted, so they set out to make one that did. Founder Christina Cyr, who has worked on nuclear submarines, AIDS research in Los Angeles, and as a biochemist in Japan as well as working for NEC and Microsoft, went from complaining about her phone to attending maker spaces to begin work on a device that would do the things she wanted — and not do the things she didn’t want. The result is a prototype design with Rephone shown this week to press and potential investors at startup conference 4 Years From Now, part of technology trade show Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.


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The casing of the prototype is 3D-printed, and the innards are built from a Seeed RePhone Kit.
The kit contains the open source components to knock up your own modular DIY phone.

This is a device for women conceived by women. It’s clearly had a bit more thought put into it than the usual “pink it and shrink it” approach adopted by tech manufacturers trying to appeal to the ladies by fobbing us off with lower-powered devices painted pink. The Cyrcle is circular to fit into smaller and rounded pockets, or it can be clipped or dangled about your person as a wearable if you prefer, or if your outfit simply doesn’t have any pockets.

If you prefer to carry your phone in your handbag or clutch, Cyr also intends the phone to be less distracting by cutting down on the less important notifications that see you constantly having to fetch your phone out of your bag only to find it’s not important. Instead, the device would only alert you to messages or updates from an inner circle. In the case of full-time moms like Cyr and Inagawa, that could be the kids and family, but it’s up to you who you’d include.

For more information, please visit Cnet for the full article.

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Rephone is 17% off from 1st, March to 7th, March. Click the banner to product page.






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March 2016