#2015RECAP Top 10 community Projects in Seeed

We’ve hand-picked 10 of the most creative, surprising and inspiring projects driven by our community members. 3 criteria of selection, open source, geeky fun and great documentation. Most of the creators share full details on our Recipe with step by step instructions. Just click the project title. Let’s dig in!



1. WiFi Audio Spectrum Analyzer with ESP 8266

This is a fun project inspired by Charles Lohr’s video. A 8×8 RGB LED module (WS2812b) is connected to the I2S port of ESP8266. ESP8266 also runs a WebSocket server. It listens on port 8080 for display frame data. Once the data is received, it is pushed to the LED Matrix via DMA/I2S. The client side is a HTML5/JS webpage. When an audio file is selected, the Javascript program uses WebAudio APIs to decode and analyze the audio data. The audio spectrum is then bin’ed into 8 sections and send to the ESP8266 WebSocket port. Check out video here.



2.How to use Wio Link to DIY Go Pro Remote

Wio Link is an ESP8266 based open-source Wi-Fi development board to create IoT applications by virtualizing plug-n-play modules to RESTful APIs with mobile APPs. It is designed to simplify the IoT development. It takes only 30 minutes for Jollen to make a Go Pro Remote. What you need to do is to build a Cherokee Web Server in GoPro and call the API of photo-taking using HTTP GET. Still a few days away to back Wio Link on Kickstarter if you are into this thing.

DIY Go Pro Remote Wio Link


3. Volksvagen  CAN BUS Gaming

Ever wanted to play a car/truck simulator with a real dashboard on your PC? Lebata30 tried to control a VW Polo 6R dashboard via CAN Bus with an Arduino Uno and a Seeed CAN Bus Shield inspired by Silas Parker. The speed of the CAN BUS is 500kbps lol


4. A New Redesign of Rephone (One OLED for All)

We received this entry of Rephone contest for our first ever Kickstarter campaign. Alexander Giordanelli made a ReDesign set with a all-in-one controller case that you can insert in your smartwatch strip, game boy or connected to your MIDI. This is exactly what we expected to bring ready-made modular component in open source hardware.

Rephone contest kickstarter



5. WiFi Scanner -Know the WiFi Signal around you /nodeMCU

Just like a hello-world on your computer for the first time, this recipe shows you basic know-how to kickstart your project with NodeMCU, the legendary ESP 8266 board which only costs you 2 USD. Surprisingly this post attracted most traffic on our recipe platform is written by Martin, a high school student and core team member of NodeMCU based in Shenzhen. We also interview him to learn about his involvement in the project while rocking his way to MIT. P.S. The next generation coming out in March will use EPS 32 and support WIFI and bluetooth.

WiFi Scanner signal nodeMCU eps8266


6.BeagleFlow – BeagleBone Green Reflow Oven

A classic toaster reflow oven built around the BeagleBone green compatible with Grove. This oven uses MAX31855 to close the temperature sensing loop. 3 heating elements are controlled by SSR’s and provide even heat distribution and reduce over use of a particular element. Option for improved heat distribution using a fan is included as well as a web gui and a local display of current state at the oven using a Grove OLED.

BeagleFlow  BeagleBone Green Reflow Oven


7. DJ XADOW Bracelet

Here comes another project for an excellent music experience. Lukas Satin from Czech is day time tech CEO and night time headline DJ. He used Cubieboard CC-A80 as well and two Seeed Uartsbee with BLE-Bee for connecting to two Xadows. Under the hood, there is a gesture recognition engine (Linux @ Cubieboard), so he can “draw” custom waypoints in the air and play some jingle sound. Then it sends a classic MIDI or OSC data over the network to Serato or Traktor DJ software. If you missed his perfomance in Seeed’s booth at Maker Faire Rome, Spot him in CES 2016! (Follow his FB page to get more event details. )



8. Dorothy – a project for those away from home

It was a long typhoon day when Gergely started to tinker with LinkIt one. As rainy days went, he came out this idea of creating dedicated device to know how far from home . Using a LinkIt one with a RGB LCD to show how far one is from a home location. The color changes depending on the distance, and you can drop location markers by pressing touch sensor at will to “redefine” home if needed. Guess the text on LCD should be YOU ARE VERY NEARLY AT HOME for Gergely now.

Dorothy away from home linkitone

9. Mp3/Rfid slot-in record player

If you miss those good old days of tangible objects before everything goes digital , we have this project for you. Get a record cover, insert RFID tag inside, take note of their numbers using the Arduino IDE’s serial monitor to recognize the track. Now the only then to do for listening a song is to insert the beautiful record cover into the slot. The creator Ootside box also made touchless 3D Gesture User Interface (available on recipe),  making it possible to hide the 3D-pad behind different materials compared to Leap Motion.

Mp3 Rfid slot-in record player


10.Orange Maze with MakeBlock

This is a winning project from SZDIY for MakeBlock 2015 Makarathon in Shenzhen on January which showcased in Maker Faire Shenzhen. It is an interactive game that requires three person to play. The central part is a wooden maze that has a ball and a hole. The goal is to put the ball into the hole. Each person controls the elevation of one side of the board, and they have to cooperate with each other to finish the maze in the time limit. Literally it is a football game with orange.

Orange Maze with MakeBlock SZDIY




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December 2015