The solar-powered Autonomo lets you easily connect devices outdoors

Short blurb: Dutch company brings the Internet of Things outdoors with its matchbox sized, solar-powered microcontroller called “The Autonomo”.

We are back with one of this week’s coolest maker projects. If you are one of us you have most definitely encountered this problem: Connecting your devices outdoors and powering them reliably is a pain point for any maker!

One Dutch-based startup with the name of SODAQ offers a fantastic solution with their new Arduino-compatible microcontroller board: The Autonomo.



The company stands for solar-powered data acquisition and has long-standing know how in powering devices remotely with nothing but a smartphone sized solar panel. Today they launched their new microcontroller board that compares to a matchbox in size. Available for as little as 30€, it hosts quite a few cool features: It is powered by the new Atmel Cortex M0+ 32bit and offers a beeslot for makers to use a vast array of different communication modules.
Communication Modules

What’s more is that the focus lies on outdoor applications that run efficiently and on extremely low power. If you want to build one of your own, like this low cost solar radiation alert displayed below, the SODAQ team has created lots of example code that is shared open source for you to build up on.

Next to that there is a complete library to enable FIWARE developers to upload data to the Context Broker.

Solar Radiation Alert

Can’t wait to tinker around and bring your hacks to the most remote corners of the planet? Neither can we. In order to bring their technology to the masses they are now crowdfunding on Kickstarter :


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June 2015