Wouldn’t it be awesome if we can make hardware product in one day?

The topic is inspired by a talk Eric gave at a maker event last weekend. 

What if we can prototype and iterate hardware as frequent as software? Imagine this timeline below.

[av_image src=’/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Screen-Shot-2015-04-17-at-1.55.43-AM-300×272.png’ attachment=’11586′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’center’ animation=’no-animation’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’][/av_image]

It would be kinda awesome if this were true. (Seeed team is trying to make this simulation happen though, will update on this later).

The value of raising such an extreme case is to push us to think further about the entire manufacturing process. What are some of the roadblocks that prevent this from happening? Is there a way that we can anticipate potential problems down the road and design for manufacturing? Why can’t we do hardware design with a holistic point of view from manufacturing?

So yea, we are starting another new series called ‘Hardware in 1 day’, the goal is to first help you understand the potential failure points in each manufacturing stage, and second propose some solutions that we have been using to help hardware teams avoid those roadblocks. These blog posts will accompany our upcoming workshops that help demystifying manufacturing for makers in the bay area.

Our first one is this Saturday, demystifying the A in ‘PCBA’. So will the first post of this series. Coming soon☺

Topic thanks to Eric Pan, Kevin Hai

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April 2015