Launching Techbox @ SXSW to Foster DIY for Artistic Innovation


We are launching Techbox, DIY kit for artistic innovation, in SXSW Trade Show 2015. Composed of hand-picked Grove modules, Techbox aims to simplify electronics tinkering and bring the excitement of PLUG and MAKE t creators with affordable price. Segmented by level of experience, Techbox provides beginners, intermediates and experts the raw ingredients along with comprehensive tutorials to produce their own product. Each level offers a varying degree of programmability, customization, and ease of use.

For beginners, Techbox is priced affordably at $20 per kit and comes with eight tutorials. Out of box, it presents over 2,000 possible configurations for makers to tinker with. For intermediate users, TechBox provides easy instructions for “one gesture, one procedure” and Li-Fi-like communications and starts at $50. For advanced players, TechBox offers hardware IFTTT and Bluetooth 4.0 communication, which can be controlled through mobile apps for seamless interaction.

“With easy to understand toolkits like Techbox, makers can focus more on ideation and design, instead of learning programming languages. Seeed Studio wants to enable makers to lead the creative process which is why we’ve lowered the barrier to entry from a pricing, usability, and support perspective, “ explains Eric Pan, founder and CEO of Seeed Studio.

Meanwhile, we will also showcase products that we provide Propogate service for one stop prototype and manufacture. No matter you are a digital artist making interactive installation or gadget, or a hardware startup   itching to have  a fast prototype or first batch of products, we are happy to help you scale from 1 to 10,000.  If you are in San Fransisco, make sure not to miss our opening party in a month and sign up for the mail list by contacting our Mengmeng. ([email protected])

* Techbox will be available on Seeed Bazaar in late March. If you want to get latest update, please subscribe on our page.


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March 2015