Artistic production and collaborations with Seeed Studio

Over the years we meet up with a lots of artists and helped them to develop their art projects. It’s always fun to inspiring and intriguing to work with creative minds.  SeeedStudio is eager to encounter more collaboration between art and technology with various schemes. We help them in the manufacture process to produce from 0 to 10,000 pieces so they can focus on the creativity part and leave the fuzzy part to our propagate service. Most of projects are related to audio-visuality and interactivity. Please checkout our previous projects below 😉

Clock THREE Jr

 Clock THREE Jr black

ClockTHREEjr is an awesome platform for anyone wanting to explore time with electronics. The ClockTHREEjr is a smaller version of the earlier, wildly successful, Kickstarter project ClockTHREE.  It features mono-color LEDs in a 16 column by 8 row matrix, giving it a total of 128 addressable LEDs.

Truth is Beauty Sculpture

Truth is Beauty is about 55′ tall, constructed of welded steel rods and balls, covered in stainless steel mesh skin with interactive lighting effects. These sculptures are intended to demand a change in perspective, to be a catalyst for social change. It has shown in the Burning Man Festival in 2014. SeeedStudio co-designed and manufactured the main controller for this project.

Water light graffiti


“Water Light Graffiti” is a surface made of thousands of LEDs illuminated when they come into contact with water. SeeedSudio designed and manufactured PCB and helped sourcing the LED for this project. 

Reflecting the stars


In order to sense the beauty of the stars and night against light pollution, Morris began with no knowledge of electronics when setting up this project. It is made of hundreds of lights and solar charges and the communication between them. SeeedStudio developed parts of the controllers and communication module for this art installation.

Open Music Labs


Open Music Labs is a set of tools for musicians, composers and tinkers. It is designed by MIT and manufactured at SeeedStudio later on.

SeeedStudio is willing to collaborate with more artists and creatives in order to realise more mind-blowing projects, installations, products and many more.

We are exhibiting at SXSW Trade Show currently from 15th – 18th!
Meet our in-house artist and propogate team from US branch in our booth(No.939)!

About Author


March 2015