Activity: An Irresistible Slice of Raspberry Pi

Do you remember how you felt when you got your first Raspberry Pi?

Do you remember your first Raspberry Pi project?

Do you remember, how excited you were when you completed your first Raspberry Pi project?

Those warm thoughts, like a pie, warm you and inspire you to create and divulge yourself into the world of Pi’s. Once you get a taste, their sweet deliciousness keeps you coming and coding back for more.

Right now there are more and more Raspberry Pi users all over the world than ever, as Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton says that there are more than 3.5 million people using these flexible prototyping units. As a Pi user, it’s awesome to be in such an active and growing community.


With millions of users and thousands of ideas, we are looking for new or creative Pi projects to showcase in our forum.

While you are submitting or browsing builds in the forums, we are proud to show off our new interface solution, the GrovePi+ kits! As you might expect, these directly interface the Pi’s with your new and favorite Grove units, allowing you to get up and running quicker than ever. This kit for Raspberry Pi include more than 10 Grove sensors to get you started, and bring your cards sized computer enters the physical world.

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Here’s a general idea of what we are thinking for a forum post. This is certainly not a limitation, rather a guideline. Please post what and how you are comfortable.

Where you should post:

When you posting, please be sure you are click below button:002

What’s content but not a limitation?

  • Project background and introduction
  • Step by step with pictures (people love pictures, and it’s so much easier than trying to describe everything)
  • Videos! We all love videos! We’d love to see who is active with us, and others would love to see who you are. It reminds us that we are from all different walks of life, just making awesome projects happen.


We are giving away our new Raspberry Pi products to the top 3 posters with the most views and replies.

  • 1st place: GrovePi+ starter kit (retail $59.95 USD)
  • 2nd place: GrovePi+ (retail $23.99 USD)
  • 3rd place: Quick starter kit for Raspberry Pi B+ (retail $23.95 USD)

Contest runs:  January 5th 2015 to February 28th 2015.

Products Link:

About Author


January 2015