OPL improves your APM(actions per minute) when making a project

I so want a “helper” when I tinker a project. OPL (Open parts library) is like a helper for me, he makes building a project much faster, much cheaper and much easier.

He is a collection of most commonly-used components, including IC, resistor, capacitor, IC, etc. More than that, open source eagle library, 3D-modules and datasheets are his database.  He has lots of merits.

IMG_2518 opl-1

Merit #1. Helps in sourcing

— For a 100nf 10% capacitor, which manufacturer has better value? A, B or C? OPL already chose it for you. Such components have been agreed on by most stakeholders. They have been bought, inspected, used for thousands of times by Seeed, hence it is guaranteed that the supply channels are stable and reliable.


Merit #2. Helps in low cost and good quality

— The quality, lead time and cost will be greatly improved, because everyone uses the same components, it means we are sharing the same supply chain. Larger quantity, less cost.


Merit #3. Helps in making the correct package

— OPL has prepared the footprint, value, and symbol for all components. They are all in open eagle library. You can focus on connecting the components together, OPL has done the rest for you.


Merit #4. Helps in prototype soldering

— With OPL components, you can enjoy Seeed Fusion PCBA Service, helping you solder 2~10 pieces PCBA prototypes with high quality and a short lead-time within 2 days.

I do like the feeling of melting metal, but when it comes to a project, quality and lead time are the priority.


Merit #5. Helps in bringing product to market in short lead time

–For example, for 4000 pieces Espruino, we only use 20 days for preparing the material and production. Since we will always have adequate components in stock, the OPL components will always be available and manufacturing can begin immediately, no matter the project is in prototyping stage or ready for bulk production. That means OPL can be helpful no matter what stage you are in the design process.

This is Shuyang. I have been thinking about writing a blog of my baby Open Parts Library for a long time. However, every time I feel stuck because I have a lot to say (and brag about my baby). But this time I want to say it loud, letting you know about OPL, hoping it will be a good companion for you in the process of making. After all, sharing is caring. 😀

Always welcome to share your using experience and suggestions/complaints about OPL with me. You can send your suggestions to [email protected]. Happy making!

written by shuyang

About Author


June 2014