[Knock] Šikula Robotik on Robotic Cup
Šikula Robotik just came back from the French Robotik Cup (May 28-31th, 2014) with the 5th place out of 156, Congratulations !!
Zinjanthrope, the little robot scored more points than a quarter of involved robots.
Australopithèque, the big one reached the 5th place!
from Association Šikula Robotik
In the name of all the team members I want to thank Seeed for its help and I hope we will keep working together as our coming projects require more PCB in order to improve the Big Robot electronic (our power board really have to be boost) and we will use Groove modules to build educational bots.
We explain so many time what was Seeed : open hardware, help for industrialisation, great PCB prototypes, … since many PCB and some Seeed Tools were on our stand.
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