Electronics can be fashionable

Technology is no longer just the “design” feature, fashion designers started to collaborate with technologists because they want to make garments and accessories people will want to wear and include in their daily life.

Let wearable devices be trendsetters and people will love wearing them!

Imagine a world where your clothes regulate your body temperature, monitor your vital signs, and your necklace begins to glow when the sun goes down.


MAKE FASHION is an annual wearable technology fashion show. It introduced Calgary designers to the exciting world of wearables through a series of informative, hands-on, designer-lead workshops.

As the sponsor of MAKE FASHION 2014, we provided Seeeduino & Xadow series, which are extremely suit for designers and wearable applications.


Dr. Patricia Flanagan made Blinklifier with Seeeduino.

The Blinklifier explore the power of feedback loops in environments where human and wearable computers are intertwined and explores their application as tools for self-modification and sustainable change.

maker faire fashion

Picture: Maker Faire Shenzhen 2014!

Make it wearable with Xadow


Tech Tie used the Xadow mainboard and 16 of the Xadow OLED screens – it was encased in milled aluminum and showcased a variety of scrolling designs.

tech tie mf

We are glad to see them again at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2014!

credit: Shannon Hoover

make fashion xadow

These pieces here also used the Xadow components

We had fans that lit up when moved with the accelerometers, and lights programmed by the Xadow mainboard, and the umbrella would create patterns with the LED’s when they were spun.

Xadow is a though small but perfectly formed Arduino(TM) compatible board series containing several modules. It’s a kit extremely suitable for space-sensitive projects such as wearable devices & arts designs, which have higher request on size, weight and flexible cascade connection. You can find more modules here.

more gallery:

  • https://plus.google.com/photos/+JeffMcDonald/albums/5986247294569111393
  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/stylewerxproofs/sets/72157641743954245/

About Author


April 2014