Meet mbed, from prototype to production
mbed is an open source development platform for rapid prototyping of productions. It provides free software libraries, hardware designs and development tools to build projects very easy and fast.
Let’s take a tour of the mbed platform.
First, get a overview of the mbed Software Development Kit (SDK). The mbed SDK is an open source C/C++ microcontroller software platform. It has been designed to provide enough hardware abstraction to be intuitive and concise, yet powerful enough to build complex projects. In addition to RTOS, USB and Networking libraries, hundreds of reusable peripheral and module libraries have been built on top of the SDK by the mbed Developer Community.
Second, have a look at the mbed Hardware Development Kit (HDK) and developments tools. The mbed HDK provides full microcontroller sub-system design files and firmware for building development boards and custom products. It includes the mbed interface design which provides simple USB drag-n-drop programming, USB serial communication and SWD debug. With an mbed HDK, lots of development tools are available to build prototype. The easiest way to get started is using the mbed online compiler in a web browser, such as firefox, chrome. GCC, MDK, IAR are also supported to help turning prototype into productions.
Third, take a action from prototype to production. It’s the common goal of mbed and seeed to prototype rapidly and build a product easily. Lots of software libraries and hardware components are ready to use with the mbed platform. And the Arch series mbed enabled development boards (Arch, Arch GPRS and Arch Pro) are designed to make full use of variety of Grove and Shield modules.
Be productive and have fun!