Galileo Pre Order: Discovering at Seeed Studio Now
Intel® Galileo is the first in a line of Arduino-compatible development boards based on Intel architecture. First and ever, if you are seeking and waiting for one advanced Arduino Certified board, you shouldn’t miss this chance.
There are only 100 pcs of Galileo & 50 pcs of Galileo Dash Kit left for worldwide free shipping, carpe diem!
Galileo Dash Kit features for its Grove selected sensors and actuators. Speed up you experiments with Out-of-Box Grove accessories such as RFID, Ultrasonic Ranger, Motion Sensor, Temp&Humi Sensor, JoyStick, Chainable LED and Servo etc.
Greed is good, if you need more function such as GPRS, there is a list of supported shields for Galileo, choose an companion to shipping together with Galileo.
This the the last gift for you before Our Spring Festival 2014, deliver begins on Feb 10th.