Seeed Debuts New Online Shop

While continuously launching more and better products, we never forget to improve the website design, to provide you with a better environment for shopping and communication.  After 3 months of hard work from our IT and Graphic Design Team, we are proud to release our new online shop.

Besides the remarkable improvement on the appearance design, we also add a lot of new functions, which will better serve the using habits of customers. And now I would like to introduce some main new functions of our website.


1. Product Classification

We classify the products by three dimensions, making it easier for you to find the products you want.


1) Classify by brands.

On Seeed Online Shop, we are selling not only our own products, but also products from other open source peer companies and individual designers. If you are a fan of Dangerous Prototypes, you can just access its corresponding page on our website to browse all its products which are sold on Seeed Online Shop.

Shop by Brands


2) Many customers have got used to purchasing products by their functions/categories, therefore we retain this classification. What’s more, we’ve optimized this classification and made it more correct and clear.

Shop by categories

Note: New Categories:

Accessories, Actuators, Audios & Videos, Awesome Projects, Bundled Packs, Components, Development Kits, Displays, Interfaces, Mechanical Parts, Power Supplies, Prototyping, Sensors, Service & Gifts, Tools, Wireless


3) Classify by Product Lines

This is what I would highly recommend to you. We divide our products into 11 product lines, each of which corresponds to a hot topic.  If you are interested in certain product line, you can access its page by clicking the icon on the top of our homepage. Product Lines


After entering the corresponding product line, you’ll find that “Shop by Categories” column remains on the left. And now the products which belong to this product line will be filtered out and shown in their respective categories. "Shop by Categories" Column in product line

You’ll see the introduction of this product line. (Sorry that we do not have introduction of all product lines yet, but we’re working on it and will complete it gradually.)

Introduction of Product Line


Besides, you can also see the related applications of this product line. The applications will help you acquaint with usages of the products more quickly.


At the same time, this page will also display some new products and hot-sale products in this product line.


Note: Product Lines

Arduino,B-Square, Xbee Form, Wearable, Shiny, Shield, Shenzhen 2 U, Robotics, Grove, Gadgeteer, Kits


2. Search Engine Optimization

Seeed has offered more than 800 kinds of products so far, and using search engine is no doubt the best way to find the right product. Therefore, we’ve also optimized our search engine in this new version website. For example, as long as you enter Arduino in the search column, you can see all Arduino-related products.

Search Engine Optimization


3. Product Page

1) After access to the product page, you can find a small icon under the product name. This icon shows the product line to which this product belongs. By clicking this icon, you can enter its corresponding product line page, as mentioned earlier. Product Page


2)According to different inventory state, Add to Cart button will change to different status.

Add to CartProducts in stock, available for purchase

out of stockProducts out of stock, unavailable for purchase

PreorderProducts preorder, available for purchase

DiscontinuedProducts removed from shelf, unavailable for purchase

Also, If you can’t see “Units in Stock” information, rest assured. This information will be shown only when there are less than 20 pieces available for purchase.

3)Product page includes 4 parts:

Description:General introduction of this product. If you want to know more about this product, welcome to access its Wiki page for more detailed information.

Questions & Answers:If you have any question about this product, you could post questions here.  Our staff and the enthusiastic community members will be more than happy to help solve the problems.

Ratings & Reviews:If you have bought this product, we really appreciate it if you could share your feelings and experience of using this product. Your ratings and reviews will tremendously help other customers make purchase decisions.

Useful Links:We’ll collect useful links and put them here. These links will familiarize you with the product and help you use it better.

4 parts on product page

4)Also, there will be recommendations of related products on this product page.


4. Technical Support

Technical Support has always been a decisive factor for people to buy a product. That’s why we also provide an individual entry (of technical support) for you. You can read the product description and its wiki first, because most of the information you need can be found here.

If your questions remain unsolved after reading the above-mentioned material, you are welcome to post questions in the section of Questions & Answers on product page. Our staff and community members will be eager to provide answers to your questions. In addition, we are also planning to sort out some FAQs according to the questions posted here. Q & A


If your questions are not solved in Questions & Answers, you can enter Technical Support page. Here you can search for related posts in Questions & Answers part as well as on the forum. Or you can also contact our tech support directly for answers. Technical Support


5. Browsing History

At the bottom of the page, you can find that we’ve added a record of your recent browsing history. In this way, you can conveniently come back to previous pages.

Viewed recently


6. Estimate Shipping Cost

In your shopping cart, you can click Estimate The Shipping Cost, and then choose the shipping method you want, so that you’ll know the shipping cost of different shipping methods before payment.

Estimate the shipping cost


We do hope our efforts could provide better shopping experience for you. We know that the new version online shop is not perfect, and there might still be a lot of problems existing. We will highly appreciate it if you could contact us ([email protected]) when you find a bug or if you feel like sharing some suggestions with us.

About Author


May 2013