Seeed Wiki Has Been Upgraded

Wiki is a platform for sharing the information of products and services. Anyone is free to add guide, projects, or any other applications of the related products to share with the community.

Thanks to the hospitality and invaluable suggestions from iMetry Team, we’ve updated Seeed Wiki to the latest version, aka MediaWiki 1.20.3, making it more convenient for the community to use Wiki.

A key feature of MediaWiki1.20.3 is WikiSEO. WikiSEO is a simple extension which allows you to replace, append or prepend the html title tag content, and allows you to add meta keywords and a meta description.

Let’s take as an example. By using WikiSEO, the following information has been added:

<title>Pocketsize Gamma Spectrometry, Scintillation Geiger Counter, Nuclear Radiation Detector system for iPad: iMetry</title>

<meta name=”keywords” content=”iMetry,gamma spectrometry,spectrometer,iPad,geiger counter,radiation measurement device,gamma ray spectrometry,spectroscopy,scintillation detector,nuclear detector,gamma detector module, gamma survey meter,I131, Cs134,Cs137,pocketsize” />

<meta name=”description” content=”Gamma ray spectrometry iMetry. iMetry is low cost, super sensitive gamma ray spectrometry, scintillation Geiger counter, specialized for I131/Cs134/Cs137 survey.” />

While you google with the following information, you can see that its correspondent wiki page has a very high ranking.

1. Search with product name “IMetry”

search IMetry
2. Search with keywords in the title: “Scintillation Geiger Counter”

 search with Scintillation Geiger Counter

 3. Search with keywords in the description: “Gamma ray spectrometry iMetry”

search with Gamma ray spectrometry iMetry

In this way, it will be much easier for the community to find the information they need and also share information on Wiki.

And in order to make it more SEO friendly, it’s suggested to define the keywords accurately, and please use comma between different keywords.

Another important feature of the upgraded WIKI is the new plugin “WikiEditor”. WikiEditor has merits such as better editing interface, and better preview of changes between the last revision and the current text. In a word, WikiEditor improves the user experience of editing, which is also the editing interface that Wikipedia currently uses.

Hope you enjoy using the upgraded Wiki. If you have any other suggestions, welcome to share with us:)

About Author


May 2013