New Product Post


I can’t believe that Christmas is already here.  If you’re like most people and still shopping for the Maker in your life, we have a couple of last minute suggestions.

The Nachbau Bare Board is an LED matrix display driver, capable of driving a 16 x 16 LED matrix or 256 LEDs. Order several matrices, add them to a daisy chain, and you can create a larger display managed by the same driver. The board is great for sourcing or soldering enthusiasts, as it is completely naked, devoid of any components. Have fun combing through the bill of materials to find everything you need to order to get started. Or if you are impatient, like me, you’ll want the pre-assembled Nachbau DIY Kit. The kit includes all of the goodies in one purchase. Either way, you’ll have a lot of fun soldering everything to your PCB. Don’t forget to follow the assembly instructions, as the board’s designer has included special words of wisdom.

Dangerous Prototypes is at it again with two new products. They created a new enclosure for the Bus Blaster v3, the Bus Blaster v3 Acrylic Case v1 (SoBv1-DP8049). It is made up of two clear acrylic sheets, standoffs and screws. Simply assemble it by following the straightforward directions on our site, and you’ll be ready to show off your board. In addition, they also came out with the DP6037 Protoboard v1 PCB, a multipurpose 0.1” prototyping board that also has a corresponding acrylic case. Not surprisingly both items are simple and inexpensive, consistent with Dangerous Prototype’s product line.

If you haven’t heard the buzz yet, we recently launched our first non-rectangular Seeeduino, a truly innovative design shaped like a Russian nesting doll, the result of a marriage between technology and art. The board is creative, attractive, and functional. It is a first in a long line of crossover projects with other artists and musicians. She is still nameless, so please send in your suggestions to [email protected], and if your suggestion is selected you’ll be justly rewarded.


Merry Christmas!


Until next time, keep on making.

(written by Erin Linke)

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December 2012