Monthly Give-away Launches This Week

Many of you may have noticed our give-away posts. (if you haven’t, check out the recent BLE Shield Give-Away!!) And here comes the good news- we are going to make it a monthly routine from November! We will pick one of our latest products and give away 5 pieces of it. This time is our new EL Shield which will be available soon. See the demo video below to check out its features.

Starting date & deadline:

From 1st to 5th of each month.

To be more specific, the EL Shield’s give-away deadline will be November 5th 24:00 Beijing Time (UTC + 8.00)


It’s quite simple to get the chance. Just send email to [email protected] within the time period given above, and your request will be considered. Please provide the following information in your e-mail:

1)   Why do you apply for an EL Shield?

2)   Briefly describe your ideas of using EL Shield

3)   Information (website, blog, video etc.) of your previous projects (optional, but will be appreciated.)

Last but not the least; you have to send us a review about using EL Shield in your project. The review could be in any form (pictures, text or video, etc.) with your description. We would like to share your experience through our blog by the end of the each month. Also, your review will be added into “useful links” on our product page. Your review might ignite sparks of other cool ideas about using EL Shield, isn’t it great?


We will keep a credit record of the applicants. The following elements will affect your credits:

1)    The quality of your review: the more detailed review gets higher credit.

2)    The time you send the review: The sooner gets higher credit.

Applicants with higher credits will have more chances to get our give-away.

Apply for an EL Shield now!  Also, please keep an eye for next month’s give-away post for more chances.

About Author


October 2012