Update-Free Ticket for Maker Faire NYC
Dear friends, let’s have a look at the list of the “early risers”. Congratulations on the following 4 applicants for your quick response. You’ve won our free tickets.We will send you a confirmation email soon:)
Sorry that we don’t have enough tickets to give to all applicants. For the applicants who did not get free tickets, don’t be frustrated. Welcome to take part in our 4th anniversary activity to win special gifts.
Name | qty | ||
1 | Em***e | em***@me.com | 1 |
2 | Ge***e | ge***@gmail.com | 2 |
3 | Pr***h | li***@gmail.com | 2 |
4 | Da***d | db***@davidbamford.com | 2 |
There are totally 9 applicants and only the first 4 are able to get free tickets. Here is a picture showing the applicants in chronological order. The time shown here is Beijing Time (UTC+8).
We will be in NYC for Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire. Welcome to stop by Seeed booth to say hi and maybe get a give-away. Look forward to seeing you in NYC.