Seeed Hack-A-Thon S0E1 Robot Warrrs

Dear Seeed blog reader, time for a new report of Hack-A-Thon!  This arena belongs to human’s good friends (or threats) Robots!

(Original version^^ Wanna have a look at the final versions? Keep reading:))

As we’ve mentioned in Hack-A-Thon S0E0 that we should try out our products in depth to keep them evolving in the right direction. That’s exactly what our R&D team is doing. In this episode of Hack-A-Thon, the robots are built on Shield-bot, which can be easily connected to Arduino and then act as a platform to build your own robots, from very simple ones to advanced ones with multiple abilities.

Theme of this Hack-A-Thon: Robot Warrrs

Agenda (August 21, 2012):

12:30 – Team up,

13:00 – Shield-bot 101,

13:30 – Rules announcement, Venue demonstration

18:30 – Player Prep.

18:30 – Round 1

19:00 – Round 2

19:30 – Round 3

20:00 – Wrap-up

(Team up)

Team Leaders:

+ Simon

+ Colin

+ Chen Wei

(Three leaders chose their team members by drawing lots, and each team has 5 members, excluding the leaders.)

(Brainstorm, design, improve, redevelop……This whiteboard shows some tactics, luckily no one from other teams had time to have a peep at that time, lol)


+ Shield-bot as the platform

+ Automatic

+ 3 players

+ 3 rounds with 10 minutes intervals

+Fail: – Slowest or fall

+Win: – Fastest or last survival


– Whiteboard


After adding more abilities (such as weight, shell, speed, whirl, weapons etc.), the shield-bots became robots with their own characteristics. Three players were put into the arena (made of a white board), and the robot warrrs began!

The players fought against each other automatically. They accelerated, turned around, tried to push its opponents out of the arena. After each round, there were 10 minutes of intervals for improving the robots for the next round of fight.

(Final versions, from left to right: Leisurely Unicorn, Magnetic Beast and Serial NO. 89757.)  

Followings are some characteristics of three players.

Leisurely Unicorn: attacking weapons (sword), optimized coding, free rotating angles, 2-wheel– made it more flexibly)

Magnetic Beast: beautiful outfit, move forward & backward freely, simple coding, magnet makes it firm/stick to the board, also strong to push its opponents off the arena.

Serial NO.89757: Big & strong shell, heavy but with quick reaction; complicated coding added coherent actions to the player, designed a sprinkling device, which unfortunately was not put into use because of limited time.

At the end, three team leaders shared their experience in this process. All mentioned that they spent most of their time and energy in writing code, which however did not seem that necessary. And they did promise that they’ve known methods to improve their robots in the next episode! Let’s stay tuned!

(Simon’s Team)

(Chen Wei’s Team)

(Colin’s Team)

Are you eager to build your own robot warriors? Shield-bot’s features such as easy connection with Arduino, high expandability makes it a great choice for building robots. You can host a robot game within half a day. Where can you get your own Shield-bot? Don’t worry; we will have Shield-bot in Seeed Bazaar soon!

Oh right, who is the final winner of this episode of Robot Warrrs?! Just keep guessing. And you will find your answer in the video, which will be released soon^^

About Author


August 2012